Chapter 9 - Sing To Me

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TW: Canon-typical violence, obsessive and creepy behavior, PETER.

TW: Canon-typical violence, obsessive and creepy behavior, PETER

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Sing to me, I am not doing well

Getting tired of my own words

Sing to me, 'cause I can't hear myself

Through the loudness of my own hurts.

Call me selfish when I say this, say this

I'm kinda helpless, and I need you.

Sing to me 'cause I'm not doing well.


She stared blankly at the ground, the world blurred and muffled despite the gentle hands shaking her and the quiet but demanding voice trying to catch her attention.

Stiles flinched back at the finger snapping in front of her face, lip wobbling again and heart racing as she looked around in fear, ready to bolt until she caught the scent.

The scent of pack.

Derek's face was scared despite his posture, not that she took much notice in it before flinging herself into his chest, fingers clawing at the back of his shirt and a new wave of tears rushing down her face.

"I- I d-don't k-know what- wha- what I d-did-" Stiles gasped, trying to breathe without much success before Derek unfroze and caught her firmly, hand going around her back and squeezing the nape of her neck comfortingly, his other arm pulling her closer to himself despite the fact she was covered in blood. "I can't b-breathe-"

"Stiles- Stiles! Look at me." Derek demanded, pulling her back to cup her cheek and force her wandering eyes to his own glowing ones.

There was a pull, something that controlled the air in her lungs and the thudding of her heart, something that took a choked whine from her chest and slowed the flood of tears.


"That's right, I got you, I got you." He pulled her closer and Stiles used to opportunity to bury her cold nose on his throat, trying to escape the overwhelming and nauseating smell of blood. "You're ok, I got you."

She whimpered as he bent down to pick her up, barely noticing that Derek was moving her as she furiously sniffed his skin, clinging to him so hard she was sure she'd been drawing blood from him.

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