21º Cap - Matteo feels something wrong with Elisabetta

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Asli finishes getting Baki ready.

- Why do I have to go to my grandmother's house?

- Because she misses you, son.

- But I didn't want to go, I wanted to stay with you.

- Dad is going to take mom to the theater and you can't stay at home alone, Baki.

- Why can't I go to the theater with you?

- Because you're not old enough to go into a theater at night.

- Because you're not old enough to go into a theater at night

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- Your mother is right. If it's already finished, let's go Baki, otherwise it will be late.

- It's OK. But promise you'll pick me up tomorrow morning?

- Not so soon son. Mom and Dad need to get some rest.

- Could it be after lunch?

- You can, mom. After lunch, you'll go to grandma's house to pick me up.

- If you say that, grandma will be sad. She looks like Baki, you don't like her.

- I like it, I just don't like being alone in her house, without my toys. Especially since grandpa isn't there.

- Grandpa is traveling and besides, you won't be alone without your toys, I put your favorite cars in the backpack. Go to the room and get it.

- It's okay, mom.

Baki runs to get his backpack.

- When do you intend to tell Baki that your father and mother separated Asli?

- I still don't know, love. You know this isn't the first time my dad has done this.

- But this time it looks like he's serious. He even went to live with that woman.

- A shameless one. Yes, that's what she is.

- He too, dear, not just her.

- Are you defending that woman, Stefano?

- Of course not Asli. I just don't think it's fair to exempt your father from this story.

- That's not what I understood.

- I just wanted to say that he is also guilty and not just her, dear. Nothing beyond that. Let's not argue. He is well?

Asli nods and Baki arrives in the room again.

- I got the backpack ready.

- So let's go now, son. I'll be back soon, dear.

- I'll be ready and waiting for you.

- I love you.

- I love you too.

Stefano smiles, kisses his wife and leaves without knowing that outside the house, a car parked far away was watching his house.

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