02 ♡ Death Sentence

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Throughout your entire friendship with certain sorcerer, you'd come to accept he wasn't one to to follow rules. It's why you barely flinched when he slammed your bedroom's door open in the pitch black night. You groaned and defensively shrunk yourself into your pillows, not too eager to put up with whatever goofy situation he probably was in.

Your words came out muffled against the mattress,"Not now, Satoru...I need my beauty rest."

"You really don't. I've seen you sleep deprived and you still look-", The white haired man cut himself off before continuing with a sigh,"Nevermind. Now's not the time. Something happened."

"Something's always happening. But you know what I really need to happen? Me, my bed, and a couple more hours."

"Hm. Sad. Anyway", he ripped the blanket from your hold and earned a sluggish groan in return,"There's someone I'll be talking to and I need you there."

The use of the word 'need' caught your attention. Gojo was a lot more capable than you were. There's nothing he needed from you but you both knew what he really meant. He didn't need you there; he wanted you there, the way he always did no matter what.

The unspoken dependency on each other was more than enough reason so you nodded before sitting up and stretching well enough for incoherent noises to leave you. The man never hurried you, instead opting to watch patiently as you slipped your uniform kimono over your pajamas.

You made sure to look over to the other side of the room where Sadie slept peacefully. She held one of Yaga's cursed corpses between her arms and the principal was so taken by the cute little girl that he'd commanded all of them to act as a caretaker, so there really wasn't anything for you to worry about.

Gojo closed your bedroom door behind you as you stepped out with your bedside water bottle,"It's about the cursed object Megumi was supposed to retrieve."

"'Was supposed to?'", you questioned. A hollow feeling set over your stomach,"You did check on him like I asked you to, didn't you?"

He pouted his lips cheekily,"I did...eventually."


"He's fine. A little roughed up but you underestimate his abilities. The kid survived an encounter against a reincarnated Sukuna after all."

You'd nearly taken a sip of water and it was a good thing you didn't get to because you choked before whisper-yelling,"Sukuna's reincarnated?! Why wouldn't you lead with that?!"

The man couldn't hold back a chuckle. He'd just left from a meeting with the council, where the elders panicked profusely over the same news and went as far as to sentence Sukuna's vessel with an execution. But you? You whispered your shock to keep from disturbing anyone's sleep like all he said was juicy gossip. You were a breath of fresh air.

He grinned,"Because it's hardly anything you should be worried about when you have the strongest by your side."

"...That's a good point", you grumbled. Gojo merely got behind you to ruffle your hair with one hand and grab your shoulder with the other, lowering his head beside your ear with a satisfied smile.

"Of course it is. I'm the one that said it. Now close your eyes. Yuuji Itadori is waiting in an entry-less box for us and I really don't want to blind you with the warp."

You did exactly as he said and for a split milisecond the floor under you dissappeared. Your four remaining senses worked overtime as soon as the floor returned. The smell of old paper, the warmth of candles, the slightly heavier pressure of air in a room with no escape; none of it got past you. Gojo's hands left you and you took it as a cue to open your eyes.

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