04 ♡ Weak

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The comforting crackling of fire was all you registered waking up. Everything else was unimportant, pointless as you shut your eyes even more closed in hopes you'd magically fall back asleep but to no avail. It really was a shame because your seat had the softest cushioning you'd felt in your life. It was nothing like Yuuji's bed-

The memory of what just happened hit you like a truck and you snapped wide awake. The warm and heavenly seat made a lot more sense once you took it in. Your breath hitched involuntarily at the grand sight.

You sat on a throne, fully black with blood-red patterns embellished on it. At the sides were flames big enough to keep you warm and single-handedly lit the dark room up with an orange hue. It was undoubtedly meant to give the person at the seat a menacing silhouette but with the throne being many times your size, it wasn't about to do you any favors. Not that you wanted to look menacing anyway. It wasn't your style.

The fire let you spot a couple of people throughout the room. They all scrubbed at black pillars that lead up to the throne's steps. All of them wore the same blank face and despite how hard they seemed to polish, their movements made absolutely no sound. It was as if they'd been conditioned to make their presence as least noticeable as possible. You clammed up, just now realizing you had no idea how to go about your little mission.

You weren't cunning. You weren't strong and you definitely weren't evil enough to force these people into giving you the information you wanted. What you were was honest, so you swallowed and took a long shot.

Your tone was coated with uncertainty,"Hello?"

Gasps echoed across the room, all servants paling as they snapped their heads your way. None of them dared to speak. The palace's rules were no childsplay, each one specific and reinforced with jujutsu, and the Crime of Speech was an automatic sever at the vocal chords--if you didn't choke on your own blood in the process, of course.

It only terrified them even more when they realized that on top of that, you had the guts to sit upon their king's throne.

You chalked their shock up to your sudden appearance and gave the friendliest smile,"Oh, don't worry about me! I'm just here to learn about the Matrimony. I hope I'm not too early...This is Sukuna's human era, correct?"

The flames did nothing against the cold feeling that washed over everyone. Your noise, your placement, and your use of the king's name. You'd doomed all of them with you.

One of them finally spoke up in a horrified frenzy. An old man sweated bullets as he rushed to his feet,"You crazy bitch, what have you DONE?!"

His insult froze you. Having spent so much time with certain sorcerer, you were sheltered both verbally and physically, and now you dealt with the consequences as you had no idea how to respond.

A woman gripped her head in panic. Her words grew more and more plagued with uncontrolled sobs,"No, no, no...My contract's supposed to end tomorrow...I-I can't die...I can't die..."

You weren't stupid; your arrival was bound to evoke some kind of reaction. This just wasn't what you expected. You were immobilized in apprehension, not aware what you'd done to be resented like this, and parted your lips to try remeding the situation but didn't get the chance to.

The woman's uneven cries grew so loud your heart stopped beating for a second but as fast as she'd started screaming, she began choking, her own throat collapsing in itself and she mercilessly clawed at it in an attempt to stop what was clearly her punishment. It proved useless.

The old man watched her fall to her knees and then her face. Once her head hit the floor, all the blood that'd drowned her alive came out to stain the floor. His shaky gaze slowly targeted you, nothing but pure hatred pooled in his eyes as he realized who was next.

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