06 ♡ Jailbreak

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Your breath left a faintly visible puff of air for a few seconds as you groggily readjusted to your new surroundings. Cursed Timeline fortunately kept you from the prison's biting cold, though that wasn't about to convince you to stay so you quickly blinked away the sleepiness that came from your technique, grasping at your brain for the last thing you remembered.

You 'ah'ed.

It hadn't taken long for Yuuji to eventually tire his 'counting' and switch back with Sukuna. He did so just in time, only a few minutes before Gojo returned and the boy was so distraught by the broken piggy bank that he didn't even think to mention that you had a whole conversation with the King of Curses. 

Maybe it was best that way. Otherwise, you wouldn't have convinced Gojo to force you into a sleep again.

The cuffs around your wrists were rusty. It took only a little cursed energy and a sharp tug to break them. You stood up and with a little of the same force, the door to your cell broke open just as easy. The prison was pleasantly geared towards non-jujutsu sorcerers.

Did Uraume throw me in there because of the 'weak' thing...?That's surprisingly offensive. But I won't complain.

You quickly shoved those thoughts away, a little tired of how often your strength was thrown to your face and peered into the only other occupied cell. Your eyes grew wide at the regular people kneeling in the ground. There were too many squeezed together and the chains wrapped around their feet only made the mess look worse.

Your hands instinctively wrapped onto the bars that divided you,"I didn't realize you guys were here all along...Don't worry, okay? You'll be okay now!"

You effortlessly broke their cell door open, a sense of urgency in your actions but instead of the prisoners flooding out like you expected, none of them lifted their gaze off the floor. You stood taken aback.

"Guys...the door's open. You can run away now..."

The only sound you heard back was your own voice echoing in their silence. None of it made sense. What was happening?

A man about your age sat right at the door. His features were sunken from sleep deprivation and he grunted,"We get it. It's a test and whoever runs out with you gets executed. Please just leave us be."

You shook your head as fast as possible,"No! I don't kill people! My name's (Name) and I got thrown in here by Sukuna too."

For whatever reason, that made all heads turn to you. The man's too. He had eye bags almost as dark as his black hair but his eyes were wide at the fact that you said the King's name. Surely, even in a test, Sukuna wouldn't give name privilege to a servant. So who did that make you?

The hesitance stopping all prisoners from making a move wavered a little. Your features were coated in determination as you looked around, your face brightening at a guard's two-handed axe left behind. You grabbed it and imbued it with your own cursed energy before handing it to the man who spoke to you.

He couldn't come up with any other explanation, a weak scowl on his face,"You've lost yourself in a delusion."

You frowned,"Is that so bad? Delusion frees your mind and with a free mind, you might as well free yourself too, right?"

He stared back with a dry mouth. Free himself? If he wasn't so miserable, he might've laughed. But between the humor in a delusion and the bleakness of the cell he'd been staring into for the past year...

It wasn't even a contest.

Your voice was gentle in case he was still having doubts,"You don't have to come along but you look the healthiest. If you're willing to break everyone's chains, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to free everyone."

The Woman Who Tamed a King [Ryomen Sukuna X Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن