Chapter 1: Happy My Birthday

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Swellview, Swellview

I was walking through downtown Swellview streets, staring at my phone, ignoring everything that was happening around me, bumping into everyone, unintentionally and not on purpose to be clear.

It was 12:30 noon, and you could say I was already late. I stopped dead on the Main Street sidewalk, waiting for the traffic light to turn red so I could cross it, since on the other side was Junk N' Stuff, the fake store where "I had been working" for almost a year and a half, right after I came to Swellview.

"Stupid Jasper," I said to myself, looking up from my phone. "He's the only one who could think of leaving the stupid gift there."

Because I was talking to myself, a woman next to me looked at me confused, as if I were crazy. I looked at her the same way, receiving a glare from her, rolling her eyes.

"What a mood," I said quietly.

The lady opened her mouth to answer, but just my good luck the traffic light had already turned red, so I quickly crossed the street, leaving that poor lady with her arguments half said.

Upon arriving at Junk N' Stuff, I could see that it was empty as always, I carefully opened the door and approached the counter where the famous gift that my dear friend had left was.

"Stupid Jasper," I repeated to myself.

"Kai! Is that you?" a voice asked from the back of the store.

"I'm a thief, Schwoz," I replied casually as I took the gift. "I'll take all the money from this store, as well as all the trash you sell".

Without waiting for a response from him, I walked back to the main door with the intention of leaving there immediately.

"Ahhhh!" It would have been like that, if Schwoz hadn't fallen on me "Are you crazy or what?"

"You said you were a thief," he answered calmly.

"Do you know what sarcasm is?" I asked again, I could hardly speak because I had Schwoz sitting on my stomach.

"Yes..." he hesitated "...No."

I looked at him with a 'serious' face, and started moving from side to side trying to get him off of me.

"Get off!" I said trying to breathe, and then stop fighting. "Schwoz, I'm serious, I gotta get to Henry's birthday party."

"Today is Henry's birthday?" he asked, finally removing himself from my abdomen.

I carefully sat up and shook my body, removing whatever was on me.

"Yes," I answered, "today is Sunday, November 3rd, I thought Ray had already told you," I sighed. "And it wasn't necessary for Ray to say it, Henry has been 'partying' all week."

Schwoz shrugged and walked over to the flaming dinosaur, "I had no idea."

"Well, that's where I'm headed now, to celebrate Henry."

"Remind me again," he said out of nowhere, changing the subject, "why is your name Kai? Kai sounds like a..."

"Boy's name?"

He nodded.

I sighed, annoyed "Because after 4 boys, on the fifth my parents were expecting another boy, they already had the name and they were surprised when they found out they were having a daughter and not a boy, we've already established this!"

I went back to pick up the gift that had gone flying a few seconds ago, it had gotten a little wrinkled, I just hope that whatever was inside was okay, and I hope they don't blame me for this, although in my defense... they fell on me from the ceiling .

Without further ado, I said goodbye to Schwoz leaving Junk N' Stuff, heading to the Hart house. It wasn't such a long way, but it wasn't such a short way either, it was more of a medium way, of course it was faster to get there through the Man Cave tubes... heck, I should have taken that way.


"Yes, Grandpa... no, I'm already here... I promise I'll call you as soon as I'm done... yes, I'll wish Henry a happy birthday for you... see ya, bye."

I placed my phone in my pants back pocket, then I opened the door to Henry's house, I'm not rude, I've just come here so many times, it's like coming home. There's no need to knock.

"Hey!" I greeted with a smile, closing the door behind me.

"Kai!" said Piper, Henry's younger sister, making her mother turn to look at me. "You're way too early."

I looked at Piper strangely and looked at the clock on my phone, 12:55, the time we were all supposed to be here... oh, it was 1:05, well, better sooner than later.

"Kai, honey," Kris, Henry's mother, spoke with a smile, who for some reason was fixing a wooden board in the middle of the room, along with Piper, "I'll say hello to you in a moment, just let me finish fixing this step."

I would've liked to ask 'why?' But I preferred waiting for everyone to come so they could tell that funny story, I guess.

"Where's Henry?" I asked while getting a little closer to them, "please don't tell me he's still asleep."

"Well, you know Henry, Kai," Kris responded, without taking her eyes off the fixing step. "If it's the weekend, he can sleep all day until the next day, even on his birthday."

"Yeah, that sounds quite logical," I said as she nodded her head.

The three of us were in a nice silence for two minutes, admiring how the step, after being destroyed, was being completely renewed... wow, how profound that was.

But that silence was broken when footsteps were heard upstairs and coming down the stairs.

"Hey! Hi! Happy my birthday! Happy my birthday!"

It was Henry, who was coming down the stairs in high spirits, with a birthday hat on his head.

"Watch out" I said calmly, trying to prevent him from tripping over the step that wasn't there, obviously, my words weren't worth it.

Henry stepped on the spot where the step was missing, causing him to fall down the rest of the stairs.

Right moment, in which I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"It's not funny, Kai," he said as he stood up from the floor.

"There's a reason why I said: Watch out," I responded, trying to stop laughing.

I approached him and took off the birthday hat he was wearing.

"Happy birthday, Henry," I hugged him.

"Thank you, Kai" he hugged me back "Happy my birthday!"

MY GIRL || KID DANGER/HENRY HART x READERWhere stories live. Discover now