Chapter 6: Emergency Call?

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The fridge was moving from side to side, releasing animal sounds from time to time, which honestly gave me goosebumps. I didn't like animals, I mean, dogs and cats yes, house animals yes, but if they are wild animals like all the ones that were in Swellview, nope.

"When will animal control come for that thing?" I asked while drinking water from my glass and looking at the refrigerator.

"It's Sunday," Jasper replied, "they love brunch."

"Why does everyone say that?" I asked again.

Jasper shrugged and continued fanning the 10 leches cake to prevent it from thawing, completely ignoring the fact that Piper was standing quite eagerly next to him admiring the cake.

"I don't think I can keep this cake well before it melts," my friend spoke again.

At that moment, Piper took one of the knives that were on the kitchen table, and pointed it at the cake very fiercely.

"Well then we should eat it now," she said desperately, "I'll go first."

She approached the cake with a firm step.

"Wow" and she would have stabbed him if I didn't intervene "remember this, Piper, we can't eat that cake until Henry gets back."

"Kai, someone has to make me do something with my hands," she kept saying desperately, "I'm bored, I need to do something with my hands."

"Huh... then use your hands to..." Jasper began.

Seconds later and at the exact moment, the refrigerator moved from side to side, and the raccoon made strange sounds again.

"Feed the raccoon," I finished. "It looks like it's hungry."

"I can't feed him, that's my dad's job," she answered.

The three of us turned to see where Jake was, and to our great NO surprise, he was under all the sofa cushions, "hiding".

"Shhhh!" he spoke from the couch. "I can't feed the raccoon, I'd have to come out of my hiding place."

"Honey, I don't think Henry will be back very soon, just feed the raccoon," Kris continued as she removed all the cushions from him.

Jake got up from the couch and straightened his clothes a little.

"Fine," he relented, a little annoyed, "but if Henry comes back and I'm not in my hiding place..."

"Hey!" Henry shouted coming through the door.

"Oh! Come on!" Jake complained.

Henry entered the house, with Ray behind him closing the door. This is going to get interesting.

"How is everyone doing?" Henry asked.

"Surprise!" Jake shouted, sitting on the couch.

The boy gave his father a thumbs up sign, and went down the stairs to go to the living room.

"I brought my boss, Ray."

"Hi, hello," he started to say hello, and when he got in front of Kris, he made a flirtatious look and said "How's it going?"

"Okay," Henry said as he stood between his mother and Ray.

I walked from the kitchen to the living room with my glass of water in hand, so I could delve a little into the conversation.

"Well, where's the cake? Let's see that cake" Ray asked enthusiastically.

"Cake! Yeah brother!" Piper shouted.

"So Henry," Kris spoke, "how was the makeup store?"

Oh no. I swallowed a little saliva, left my glass on the kitchen counter and walked as fast as I could to where Henry was.

"Sorry, what?" He made a confused face.

"The makeup store," I said, taking him by the hand and pulling him to the side. "You said "make up," excuse".

I opened my eyes, signaling him to get the idea.

"Which obviously meant you were going to the makeup store," Jasper replied.

"Yeah," I said sarcastically, "that's what you meant."

"Whatdya buy?" Jake asked.


"Whatdya buy?"

Henry turned to look at me worried, I shrugged my shoulders secretly and shook my head. This was funny, always all the excuses we made about wherever Henry was, because each of the three of us would come up with something stupid, and they would believe us.

I looked down, smiling unconsciously, when suddenly, my gaze was diverted to a fact that I had not contemplated... I still had Henry's hand in my hand... and neither of us had let go.

I frowned, and without thinking twice I let go of his hand, making him look at me confused, more than he already was.


"Ah yes, that's a very good question dad, makeup" he replied "It's obvious."

"And where is it?" Piper asked this time.

"That's a good question, sister," he replied again, "well... um... I was coming from the store and... I saw a person on the street... a very horrible person then... I gave him "all my makeup"

"Awwww, that's my boy," Kris finished.

"And you were in the makeup store too?" Piper asked Ray.

As expected, Ray got nervous, and began to look at all of us who knew the secret, trying to look for help.

"Yes, he was in the store..." Henry began to say.

"NO!" Ray interrupted him. "I was at the gym." After finishing his sentence, he began to take off his sweatshirt in a way... Ray. "Legs, arms, abdomen, fists."

"Okay," Henry intervened, "this got weird, I don't understand why we're using our mouths to talk, when we can use them to eat that 10 leches cake."

"Yes!" I shouted.

"Cake!" Jasper.

"Cake!" Piper.


We ran to the kitchen counter, where we moved all the fans that were keeping the cake cold, back to their original places.

"Okay, let's get started," Kris encouraged.

'Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to...'.



Again, more problems.

"Emergency alert!" Ray yelled pulling out the phone from him "WE GOTTA GO!"

The two boys headed at full speed towards the exit, but were stopped by the voice of Henry's mother.

"Emergency... where?" she asked.

Henry and Ray stopped in their tracks, turned around slowly, both with nervous, lost gazes and with an "o" formed in their mouths... I want to hear this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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