Episode 3

31 3 1

Deepika's POV :

I silently placed my phone back into my bag. Nobody would ever think Arjun could be the one!

I can't believe that he had the same score as me. He seemed too easy going!, I had completely mistook him.

What a fool was I!

Meera and Lavanya went on and on about who it could be and they finally gave up on the topic.

One by one students started entering the classroom. I bent down to take out my scale from my desk storage and it was empty.

I sat down and checked again, it was empty.  I started getting nervous. I needed the scale for drafting for the next class, I remember keeping it here!

" What happened? " Meera asked me.

" My T scale is missing " I said quickly glancing over my entire storage cupboard.

" Let's search together " Meera said and started looking around for my T scale too.

I started walking around the classroom looking at every nook and corner. Meera and lavanya were also searching.

Just when I was looking at the last row, Arjun came.

" What are you searching for? " He asked me.

" My T scale, I usually leave it at my drafting table. It is missing, I don't know how " I said nervously.

" Calm down! " He told me.

The Building construction professor wasn't really a easy going professor. He would kick me out of the class if I don't have the scale. I started sweating. And nobody would share theirs because everyone needs one. I am so fucked up.

I was looking all around the classroom.

" Hold this! " Arjun handed me his T scale and ran out of the class.

Few minutes were left before the professor comes in and I don't know where he ran out. Shrini Sir was strict about people entering the class before he comes in. He was in his mid fifties and wore huge specs. Half of his hair was already gone due to his blood pressure. I need to call Arjun and ask him to come soon.

Just as I was thinking what to do, the professor walked in.

" Everyone move to your drafting tables! " He said.

The class became pin drop silent and everyone moved to our tables. I was looking out the class door for Arjun. For helping me, now he might get into trouble.

The professor started taking attendance. And Arjun didn't come still.

Just as his name passed, Arjun ran and came.

" May I come in Sir! " He asked breathlessly holding another T scale. He looked like he had run two floors.

" No, You may not " Shrini Sir said and continued with the attendance.

Arjun stood out sweating.

After completing the attendance Sir turned to Arjun.

" You are just in your first semester of your course and you already have no discipline! Always late for submissions, never taking anything seriously! What kind of an Architect will you make! " Sir shouted at him.

I shakily stood up from my front desk to tell Sir that I was the one who caused all the trouble.

Arjun looked at me sideways and shook his head slightly. He signalled me to sit down. I was helpless.

" Sorry Sir " Arjun said.

" No, You need to learn the lesson today! You may not enter my class today. You may choose to stand here or roam around the campus like you were doing before I came " Shrini sir said and walked to the blackboard.

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