Episode 5

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Deepika's POV :

" Shall we start? " I asked Meera.

We were sitting at our college canteen. Saturday was always a holiday for us, so the classrooms were not opened.

Lavanya, Sanjay and Manoj had come already. Sanjay was asking me to wait as one of his other friend also told he would come.

" Maths internals is on Monday right? " Lavanya asked me.

" Yeah " I said.

" There they are, sorry for making you guys wait " Sanjay said.

I turned around to see Arjun and Vinoth waving at us.

But why is Arjun here? , I thought he was good at Maths.

They came and sat with us.

" Okay, shall we start? " I asked everyone.

" Yeah " They said.

I started the first topic which was trigonometry. I discussed about the main sums that ma'am had taught.

I was also re doing difficult sums using my own short cuts to help others understand. Some of them took notes, while others just listened.

Arjun looked at me with a confused look.

" Arjun, is there a problem? " I asked him.

" No, I mean, this step could be skipped " He said.

" But we need it " I said.

" Yeah, but we can get the answer in a even more easy way " He said.

I shrugged off and handed him my note. I signalled him to show me.

He solved the problem through another way. I don't have any personal hate against him, but when someone questions my methods, I would roast them. Maybe it's my ego, but I do what I do.

" This is correct too, but it won't work if the question has any negative value " I said.

" Yeah, if it has negative value. But all the problems taught in class has only positive value " Arjun said.

" Maybe. But I checked all the previous years question papers, there is a chance of negative value question " I said. I am not someone who would teach anyone wrong method. I did my research before coming here. This chapter almost on every question paper had the highest mark weightage. Clearing this sum alone would give easily 10 marks.

" I don't know, but I don't think any negative value question would come " He said.

" Yeah, Mostly only problems similar to the ones taught in class would come. I think knowing the easiest way is the best option. I want to pass, that's it" Vinoth joined him.

" Yeah " Sanjay joined them.

" Well, then I would skip this topic. Whoever wants to follow whatever method they can do that. " I said.

I discussed all the topics with my notes and Arjun kept quiet for the rest of the discussion.

After covering all the important topics we had lunch at the canteen and started leaving.

" Hey, Deepika, You are also going to the bus stop right? " Arjun asked me.

" Yeah " I said.

" Let's go together " He said.

" I think you forgot your friend is here. He would anyway drop you off. Perhaps that way I wouldn't be left alone half the way " I said and started walking without looking at him.

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