Episode 4

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Arjun's POV :

We got in a crowded bus and stood for half the travel. After a while we got two seats.

Deepika took the window seat and I sat beside her.

As it was raining, all the windows were closed. But Deepika went ahead and opened her window.

A grandma behind us started shouting and Deepika closed the window instantly.

" I can't even enjoy the chill winds! " She muttered under her breath.

I smirked.

After sometime, she talked with her Amma and she wore her earphones , and I wore mine.

Few minutes passed and I saw her head bobbling with the moving bus. She had dozed off.

I slowly laid her head on her bag.

She definitely didn't sleep yesterday night. She didn't have to do my sheets. Yet she did.

I shook my head in guilt.

My stop was about to come. I slowly stood up from my seat.

Deepika woke up quickly as I moved.

" My stop has come. See you later! " I told her.

" Yeah, Bye " She said blinking her eyes quickly.

I got down at the bus stop and caught a share auto to my home.

My Amma was sitting on the portico outside our home and correcting the test sheets of her students.

" How many of your students did you fail today? " I asked her as I removed my shoes.

" 10 " She said adjusting her specs and laughing.

" Don't forget the coffee! " She shouted as I walked into my room.

I changed into new pair of clothes and drank the coffee from the dining table.

I walked back to the portico and sat on the swing.

" Where is Preeti? " I asked Amma.

" She went to her friends house. " She said.

" What a 9th standard girl is doing in her friends house on a weekday ? " I asked.

" Hmmph, Should I list all those things you did when you were in 9th standard? " She asked me.

I chuckled and looked away.

Appa came back from office and rushed inside the house. He too was drenched in the rain.

He came out after few minutes and sat near Amma.

" Amma, There is this one girl in our class. She comes to college from another town. Everyday she travels almost 3 hours. She broke down one time and cried a river, Everyone tried to console her. But suddenly after some days, she completely changed. There was this arts professor who was so jovial with everyone. He kept giving that girl redo for a live object painting. He would say silly reasons and ask her to do it again and again. And She almost did the same one 10 times. At last Sir gave up. How is that possible for someone to have such level of grit ? " I asked Amma.

" It seems like that girl won't give up on anything easily. Mark my words she would shine bright in future. Anyone who listens to their teachers words without a doubt , always succeeds. " Amma said.

" Okay, School Teacher ma'am. " I said.

" You should learn something from that girl. Imagine how much you would complain if you had to do what she did! " Appa said.

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