5. Attention - Seeker

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Back in my world, I sprawled on the bed, drained from the vivid hallucinations. My gaze fell upon a cut on my finger, a tangible reminder of the surreal events. Curiosity led me to delve into research, seeking answers about hallucinations and their potential side effects. The research made it clear – during hallucinations, one is oblivious to their actions, potentially engaging in activities without consciousness. The realization of this danger crept in, prompting me to secure every door and window meticulously. An uneasy apprehension lingered, uncertain of when the next bout of hallucination might strike.

Seated on a chair, my gaze fixated on a tiny insect circling the illuminated lamp. In an instant, the insect metamorphosed into a firefly, captivating my attention. Unbeknownst to me, I found myself involuntarily trailing its flight. Abruptly, it vanished, and I snapped back into the perplexing realm of my delusions.
A faint cry beckoned my attention, initially dismissed as a misinterpretation. However, the repetition compelled me to investigate, revealing a baby raccoon. Surveying the surroundings, I recognized it as the school's backyard. Before I step forward, Ashley's words echoed about the scrutiny of every action within these walls.
As a Nether, I averted my gaze and strolled away, having no intention of becoming the center of attention and inviting unnecessary trouble.
His cries tugged at my conscience. Pretend wasn't in my blood. And Demons, too, have hearts. Stealthily ensuring no one witnessed, I cradled the raccoon in my arms. Contemplating a secluded spot free from prying eyes, I roamed through the entire building. Finally, I discovered a room in the basement, adorned with a stern sign proclaiming "Entry Is Prohibited." I pushed the door open and ventured inside, only to find the ceiling marked boldly with the words "THE HALL OF CURSE."

Racing against time, I prioritized my dorm search. I trailed Morgan, assuming that the room where Ashley and Morgan were last time might offer a clue. Equipped with band-aids and painkiller cream, I returned to the basement room. Improvising a makeshift bed using the curtain, I gently tended to the raccoon's injuries. Scavenging for sustenance, I stumbled upon a chocolate, a welcomed treat for the famished creature. The growing footsteps prompted me to conceal beneath a table until the coast was clear, enabling my swift retreat to  dorm room.


In the classroom, the formidable man, aka Mr. Lucifer, was instructing amid the presence of a genuine dragon. The students were learning alongside these majestic creatures. A wave of terror engulfed me as the dragon, colossal and furious, mirrored the instructor's intimidating demeanor.
I concealed my fear, adopting an expressionless facade, burying the anxiety deep within.

I stumbled upon my words, questioning, "Why is he using such... animal... for studies?"

Morgan replied, "It's his assistant."

Surprised, I asked, "Do all teachers have one?"

Morgan, with a nonchalant expression, responded, "Yeah. Eden's dove, Gaia's white snake, and Father's none."

I continued, "Wait. The one who created all and the old man with the white beard is who you call 'Father,' right?"

Morgan affirmed with a nod.

I persisted, "Then what about -"

Morgan hushed me, "Enough queries."

As Morgan's phone beeped, she raised her hands, stating, "I'll skip class."

Felipe expressed his frustration by tossing his pen onto the table and leaning back, folding his arms in discontent.

Felipe couldn't help but roll his eyes at Morgan's accusation. "You're such an attention seeker!" he exclaimed, "Why doesn't Father provide extra credits for such extravagant behaviors? Just because you get good remarks, you don't care about classes. You just treat it as less important."

Morgan smirked, a defiant glint in her eyes. "Look who's talking about behaviors. You need a mirror indeed," she retorted confidently. "Atleast I've got good brain cells, unlike someone who doesn't have any. By the way, I'm not in the mood to argue with you." With that, she turned on her heel and left, leaving Felipe fuming in her wake.

"That brat!" Felipe muttered under his breath, his frustration palpable.

Lucifer, observing the exchange with a detached air, finally spoke up. "Quiet, Felipe. Sit back. Monsters are of different types..." He continued his lessons.

Ignoring the earlier clash, I decided to ditch class as well and quietly followed Morgan. Despite calling her multiple times, she remained unresponsive. Craving a pancake and some fries with mayo, I made my way to our usual cafe. Unexpectedly, there she was, engrossed in a book. Intrigued, I couldn't resist peeking over her shoulder, eager to catch a glimpse of the context that held her attention.

"Oh, you're studying about harps. But why?" I inquired curiously.

Morgan, with an air of nonchalance, replied, "None of your business. By the way, why are you here?"

I shrugged. "I don't like classes without friends."

"I won't be there whenever you want," Morgan retorted.

I, undeterred, waved at Ashley and said, "Oh, over here!"

Ashley chimed in, "Hey, you've already started. Well, he'll join us too."

Denevier greeted, "Hey."

Morgan, somewhat surprised, remarked, "You're here too."

Ashley explained, "Emma texted me that you two are hanging out. The class was almost over, so we joined you guys."

I gathered up my courage and greeted Denevier, "Hello, Denevier. Are you settling well?"

Denevier nodded. "Indeed. It's a nice—"

Morgan, about to leave, interjected, "I hate gatherings."

I declared, "But I have ordered for the four of us", trying to stop her.

A collective beep echoed through everybody's phones, drawing their attention. An urgent message revealed a gathering at the hall. Miss Gaia, standing on the dias, cradled a raccoon in her hands, gently patting it. She quieted the assembly and began, "Good time, dear all. My salutations to Father, Mr. Lucifer, and Mr. Eden. I sincerely want to thank the person who saved this little holy creature of Earth. My appreciation to that Eden or Gaia who impressed me by his/her genuine heart. I guess no Lucifer would ever do such an act."

As she spoke, her eyes locked onto mine. It wasn't unintentional, and a nervous swallow betrayed my unease. Undeterred, she continued, "The next game is Sightseeing. We'll depart for The Azura Hut Missing this Saturday." The announcement hung in the air, setting the stage for an unexpected adventure.

"Azura Hut! My fav," exclaimed Ashley.

Denevier, unfamiliar, asked, "What's that?"

"You need to recognize the Azura Hut in the Aurora village. It's like a treasure hunt without clues," Ashley explained.

I questioned, "How can one play treasure hunt without hints?"

Ashley replied confidently, "You need to play with intuition and insight."

Sophie, interjecting, warned, "It's not your thang. Better watch out your butts."

Morgan, turning to her friends, inquired, "Aren't you coming?"

Sophie smirked and said, "Already afraid of us. It's not even started, and yet you're hesitating. I didn't expect this from you."

Morgan, unflinching, retorted, "I never met your expectations because I'm beyond it. And afraid of you? In your wildest dreams." She rolled her eyes. "I just don't see the shits. They're all invisible for me." Her words carried a confidence that left Sophie momentarily speechless.

She slayed it.

Miss Gaia, clearly intrigued, approached the group and whispered, "I'm more interested in this new girl. What's your name?"

Panic surged through me, but I concealed it well. Ashley stepped in, replying, "Emmelene Vance. We call her Emma."

Miss Gaia leaned in towards me, her whispered words sending shivers down my nerves. "Nice name. Looking forward to meeting you often."

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