16. Unhidden

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Morgan: Are you the reason I failed? Tell me the truth.

Emma: Morgan, please.

Morgan: A mere human couldn't possibly have won this round. Sophie told me you guided her to find me because you knew I would win. Is that true?

Emma: Morgan, it's not like that-

Morgan: I want answers. Tell me, am I right?

Emma: (Sophie was passing by) Sophie, we need to talk.

Morgan: Talk right here.

Emma: Sophie, are you manipulating her?

Sophie: Manipulating?

Morgan: Where did you learn about her plan?

Emma: Morgan, you're misunderstanding.

Sophie: I overheard your conversation with Miss Gaia. She told you to follow her, and she told me to follow you.

Morgan:. (smirks). This is the real face of two scumbags.

Emma:. Morgan, listen. Listen to me once. I'm sorry but I was - Morgan. We're still friends, right?

Morgan:. Friends? The unpredictable versions of humans. But I'm sorry. I can't ever consider you as one. We're done.

I stood there, watching Morgan storm out of the school grounds, her fury palpable in every step she took. It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that our friendship might never be the same again. But I couldn't let her leave like that. Turning to Ashley, I implored her to come with me as we trailed after Morgan, our footsteps echoing in the quiet of the Aurora Village.

We followed her until she disappeared into The Azura Hut.

Ashley mumbled, "She knew that this is Azura Hut all along."

I retorted, "Yeah, I guess. I followed her inside, asked repeatedly but she kept denying it."

Ashley said, "Let's go inside."

The interior remained unchanged from my last visit. We spotted Morgan stood before the thick smoke which took the shape of a royal queen with a crown, presenting a harp to it. The smoke billowed from the center of the pedestal, swirling like a regal presence.

The smoke inquired, "Are you willing to relinquish your entire energy to this vessel?"

Morgan replied with conviction, "Yes."

The harp hovered in the air, emanating a radiant glow. Blue wisps of energy emanated from Morgan's body, coalescing into a carriage positioned beside her.

Ashley's voice echoed through the hut, "Morgan, stop. Don't believe in her words. She's just trying to use you. She can't grant your desires. Stop it, Morgan, please. You'll be drained of all your strength."

She disregarded Ashley's pleas, shutting her eyes and allowing the smoke to envelop her. Ashley leaped forward, seizing the harp suspended in the air with her own instrument. Strumming her harp vigorously, she disrupted the energy flow. In response, Morgan forcefully shoved her aside.

Morgan:. Why do you keep interfering? Leave me alone, both of you. Please.

Ashley:. This isn't the way to help him.

Morgan:. It's none of your concern.

The smoke grew agitated and pulled Ashley towards it.

The smoke said, "Ah, you! It's been a while, my dear. I have a present for you."

Ashley said, "I won't fall for your tricks."

The smoke said, "You're misjudging me, darling. Just take a look."

Rays of light illuminated Ashley's past when she was seven.

The smoke murmured, "You're still consumed by guilt, aren't you? It gnaws at you from within. You try to appear charming and cheerful, hoping to bury it deep down, but that guilt never truly leaves your heart. You lost your sister and mother because of a small mistake. Would you like me to erase that painful memory for you?"

I was aware of how her words could cloud the mind, leading to a loss of sanity.

I shouted, "Ashley, don't look to her!"

She unleashed her energy and harp, striking at the smoke. However, the smoke continued to drain her energy, causing her pain.

I pleaded with Morgan for assistance, but she simply remarked, "It hit her soft spot."

Frustrated, I implored, "Are you just going to stand there and do nothing?"

Her response was silence.

In disbelief, I uttered, "No, thats unbelievable. I may have betrayed you, Morgan, but Ashley never did."

Morgan retorted, "But I can't guarantee she won't. Friends can be the cruelest foes, knowing your vulnerabilities and exploiting them to deepen your unhealed wounds."

As Ashley fought valiantly, I rushed to her side, determined to support her despite my lack of knowledge about using the spectre. However, I noticed Morgan silently slipping away, leaving us to fend for ourselves.

With each passing moment, the smoke's power seemed to intensify, overwhelming our defenses. Desperate to halt the relentless energy drain, I reached out to shut down the menacing carriage.
But before I could do so, a surge of fiery energy pierced through my body, and I collapsed, unconscious.

As awareness slowly returned, I found myself lying in the familiar surroundings of the school infirmary. The soft glow of the overhead lights washed over me, casting gentle shadows on the walls. As I struggled to sit up, a wave of dizziness washed over me, forcing me to lean back against the pillows. Gradually, my surroundings came into focus, and I realized that I was not alone.

Ashley's tone was laced with concern as she leaned closer, her eyes fixed on me. "Are you feeling alright?"

I nodded weakly, "I think so. How did I end up here? My head is aching."

"Don't worry, just try to relax and rest," Ashley reassured me, her hand resting gently on my shoulder. "I need to go find Morgan."

"Why do you keep chasing after her? She's never considered us her friends," I questioned. "And what was that about your past? Morgan said that she hit your soft spot."

Ashley's expression turned somber, "I made a mistake that haunted me for years."

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