13. Reincarnation

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The chattering of the crowd swirled through the air, blending together into an indistinguishable cacophony of sound.

Eden's voice carried a note of solemnity as he spoke, "But there has always been the rule, a tradition upheld through generations."

Lucifer, countered with defiance, "Why can't rules be changed? Why must I adhere to a rule that I never had a hand in creating? This time, the rules will be rewritten, mark my words. And if anyone dares to stand against me, they will find themselves facing a formidable shield."

Sensing the gravity of the situation, Eden suggested, "Let's discuss this with Father."

Without hesitation, Leader Eden swiftly led the way to Father's chamber. With a respectful nod, Eden broached the topic, laying bare the concerns and disagreements that had arisen among the leaders.

Father's voice rang out with authority, "Without further ado, I'll bring this discussion to a close," he declared. "The Reincarnation Door will soon open, as it has for generations past. The most puissant and potent individual who steps through that door will be deemed worthy to take on the mantle of The Father."

As I delved deeper into The Reincarnation Door, I found out that  it seemed to be a series of tests designed to unveil the most worthy successor to the mantle of leadership.


The next challenge arrived in the form of a notification on our phones: Save The Tomb. It was a game unlike any other, a crucible of skill and strategy that would push us to our limits.

Divided into sub-teams within each realm, we were tasked with the protection of our own tombs while simultaneously launching offensives against enemy encampments. It was a delicate balance of defense and attack, where leadership and intelligence would be our greatest assets.
As the game unfolded, each participant steeling themselves for the trials ahead. The fate of each realms depended on the individual, who could navigate the complexities of warfare, would emerge victorious, earning the right to be deemed the most deserving candidate to lead.

As the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the makeshift battlefield, tensions ran high among the group of kids gathered in the clearing.
In our realm, Felipe, Morgan, and two others stood at the forefront, each leading their own team into the fray. I was meant to fight alongside Morgan, but she overlooked me, leaving me to align myself with Felipe, whose calculating gaze made it clear he had suspicions about me from the start.

The second war commenced. Morgan was leading in the Nether, her leadership skills evident as she guided her team with precision. Meanwhile, Dominick of Heaven, with his sharp intellect, maneuvered his way to victory over Felipe, leaving him seething with frustration. Ashley stood firm by Dominick's side, and their team outmaneuvered their opponents.
Felipe's pride took a blow, and in his fury, he unleashed his specter, wreaking havoc upon the tombs in his path.

Amidst the chaos, Sophie emerged, collapsing the tombs of those engrossed in combat with others.
And as the battle reached its climax, it seemed Morgan was poised for victory, only to be bested by Dominick's cunning strategy. Surprisingly, Morgan took her defeat in stride, her nonchalant demeanor suggesting she never truly invested in these skirmishes.

But as the dust settled, Felipe's rage flared once more, cornering Dominick and unleashing his fury upon him, unable to accept defeat gracefully.

"Again?" Ashley's voice cut through the tense air, her tone laced with concern.

"Huh?" I looked at her confused.

Chills ran down my spine as Ashley's words sank in, the gravity of the situation dawning upon me. Felipe's relentless pursuit of dominance had taken a sinister turn.

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