10. Detention

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"Where am I?" I whispered.

Ashley's eyes softened with relief. "You've regained your senses. We were afraid you'd never wake up."

My eyes darted around. "Is this the infirmary? Am I still lost in my hallucination? Still alive?"

Ashley, concern etched on her face, asked, "Can you pass the second phase?"

Morgan, appearing out of nowhere, snatched a cup from Ashley's hands. "You're awake?" she exclaimed. "No espresso for you. You're still a patient."

Ashley sighed. "Milkshake? Not again."

Morgan grinned, holding out a cup to me. "It's herbal milk. Here, take it."

"Why are you here?" My annoyance was evident in my face. "You wanted us to linger in pain and die there. So why this sudden display of concern?"

Morgan smirked, retorting, "I better offer this drink to Mr. Garbage bin."

Ashley interjected, urging me, "Drink it. It'll expedite your recovery."

My gaze narrowed. "How can you converse with her as if nothing happened? She abandoned us to die-"

Morgan dismissed it casually. "Nobody perishes in a game. It's merely a test of our thoughts and actions in a critical situation. We'll endure some pain and gain a few scars."

I remained skeptical. "It could be perilous."

Morgan asserted confidently, "Our leaders are there to mend us."

I sighed. "Oh. I get it. In a game or a real battle, you'll remain the same as today."

Morgan shrugged. "I mentioned earlier, there's no kinship in a battlefield. However, the leader emphasized that protection should be our top priority."

"We're friends, after all." I retorted.

Morgan's expression hardened. "I never sought your assistance."

Ashley intervened, attempting to ease the tension. "Enough, both of you. Cease your endless arguments right here. Emma, you need proper rest for the second round."

The second phase unfolded, and this time, they wielded their extraordinary powers. I, on the other hand, found myself without any. As they unleashed their unearthly abilities, a relentless skirmish ensued. Each strike they delivered cut through me, and, to be honest, the pain reached down to the bone. Swords tore through the skin, and heavenly and hellish energies tore at the very essence of the soul.
The game came to an abrupt halt, and I consciously chose to withdraw. Yet, my presence or absence seemed inconsequential to the game's conclusion. The group gathered, and a discordant murmur filled the air, questioning, "How could she have no powers?"

Morgan:. Are you truly a Nether?

Gaia:. My mind is entangled in misconceptions. Help me untangle them and bring clarity.

Ashley:. Some regain their energies later in adulthood.

Lucifer:. How can a girl disrupt the entire game? Why are you here? If you're truly a demon, where are your powers?

Eden:. Calm down, Lucifer. You're intimidating her.

Lucifer:. Panic is far from any Lucifer blood.

I, gathering courage, tightened my fist. "I apologize to those who believed in me. I will regain my powers, I believe."

Lucifer:. I want them back by next Saturday. Train hard. If you fail, you'll be expelled from my team. No more excuses.

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