18. Haunted

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The next moment, I found myself back at home, the darkness of night enveloping me. Gasping for breath, I was relieved to have escaped the nightmare, but its grip on my mind was unyielding. Despite my attempts to sleep, the images of the sea dragon persisted, refusing to let me rest peacefully.

Two days passed, yet the terror lingered like a shadow over my thoughts. That evening, as I sat watching TV, the Chronicles of Marina aired unexpectedly, and the sight of the sea monster on screen reignited the haunting memories of my encounter. With a moan escaping my lips, I closed my eyes tightly, hoping to banish the vivid image from my mind once and for all.

After a moment, when I gathered the courage to open my eyes, to my astonishment, the creature was looming close to me. Its hot breath brushing against my skin. I instinctively reached out and grabbed a hand beside me, only to realize, upon stealing a glance, that it was Morgan's hand I had clutched in my panic.

As the sea dragon retreated, leaving me trembling with relief, Morgan withdrew her hand, and I noticed something in my grasp-a piece of cloth with the words "Don't do anything" scrawled across it. Confused, I stared at the message, trying to make sense of its meaning.

Before Morgan could leave, I called out to her, my voice trembling with uncertainty.

"Is there a way to go back? Act like before? Can we start over again?" I pleaded, my voice desperate for reassurance. But Morgan remained silent, her gaze fixed ahead as she turned to walk away.

I quickened my pace, my strides echoing in the empty space between us. "Wait!" I called out, my voice trembling with emotion, as I chased after her, unwilling to let her slip away without an answer.

Emma:. I had my reasons, just like you have yours.

Morgan:. Do I have any reason to trust you again? I'm sorry, but I can't see one.

Emma:. Morgan, friends don't need reasons.

Morgan:. We can't be a thing, Emma. You're not special to me, just like Sophie.

Emma:. What can I do to regain your trust?

Morgan:. As long as you stay out of my way.

Emma:. I promise.

Morgan:. Please don't. Promises for humans are like cherished gifts; if they're appreciated, they're treasured, but if not, they're discarded. And you're no exception.

Felipe:. (startling us) You mean she's a human?

My heart raced with fear.

Morgan:. Do you relish sticking your nose into other people's business?

Felipe:. Don't dodge my question.

Morgan:. Let me be brief. I just quoted a few lines from a book I read this morning. You can borrow it if you'd like. It's quite a good read.

She left, and I trailed after her.

Emma:. Thanks. For saving me.

Morgan:. I just don't want to meddle in someone's privacy.

As I surveyed my surroundings, a realization dawned upon me like a thunderbolt cracking through the sky. I found myself standing in the heart of the grand game.

The expanse of land upon which I stood stretched endlessly, bordered on one side by the shimmering expanse of water, and on the other two sides by rugged, imposing terrain. In the center of this vast arena, The Giant Cobra reared up, its form a testament to the strength and majesty of Earth's realm.

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