Chapter 3: Omni-Directional Mobility Gear

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"What exactly are we fighting, guys?"

The looks of concern, confusion, and anger spread throughout the mess hall after what seemed like an innocent question.

"Are you serious?" A brown haired boy spoke up.

You looked to where the voice came from and frowned slightly. "I'm sorry?"

He stood up and made his way over to your table. You could hear a soft groan come from Jean's mouth as the brown haired boy neared you. All he did was stare at you in disbelief, like the rest.

You finally snapped. "Can anyone just tell me what's going on?!"

This became frustrating. The terms you didn't understand, the terrain you didn't know, all of this was so confusing and far too much to take in. Especially with the fact that you barely even remembered how you got there or what your life was before this, and no one has told you a single thing that made sense.

His face paled, then immediately turned red hot with anger.

"What kind of idiot put you in the training corps when you don't know a damn thing!" He exclaimed with a dark gloom on his face.

A blonde boy scrambled out of his seat and put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Eren, calm down. She genuinely doesn't know what's going on," he said calmly, then turned his attention to you. "Has anyone told you anything at all, (Y/n)?"

You shook your head no. "Nothing, and I have barely any recollection of anything before this morning." You sighed. "I don't know where I am, or if I've been dreaming my whole life. So please, someone just answer my question. What are we fighting?"

The rest of the mess hall began to pick up their chatter once more while the blonde boy and Eren took a seat across from you.

"Titans." He replied back in a low and shaky voice.

You furrowed your brows. "What's a titan?"

Shocked faces spread all around the table. Was it really that ignorant of a question?

"They're evil, that's what they are." Eren replied back with a snarl. "They are what's destroying humanity. Inside these walls is all we have left. And in order to survive, we need to kill them all."

"You really don't know?" Marco asked, eyes wide with concern.

You shook your head shamefully.

He half-smiled at you. "It's okay, you'll learn."

Eren huffed. "Yeah, I guess you'll learn more about them in class tomorrow, (L/n)." He shoved his plate away and stormed out of the mess hall with the black haired girl and blonde boy quickly hurrying after him.

"What's his problem?" You mumbled, shoving your plate away as well.

"Don't worry about him, (Y/n)." Jean grinned. "He's insane, and a prick. Titans just really tick him off. He thinks he'll kill them all, but he's just pathetic in my opinion."

You chuckled at his remark and his grin grew even wider. Jean then went on about how he wasn't sure why Mikasa and Armin, supposedly the two who went after Eren, hang around him so much.

You stayed in the mess hall for a bit longer. And in the process, you got to know more of the other cadets.

The majority of the hall was cleared out, but you remained at your table, picking at your plate of now cold food. The longer you've been here, the more you realize it's been harder to remember anything about yourself at all. And it's only been a mere few hours.

After a bit while longer, you stood up and decided to roam the grounds. You continued walking until you suddenly ran straight into someone without realizing.

Take Me Home |rewritten| (Eren X Reader X Jean)Where stories live. Discover now