Chapter 5: The Survival Test

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A few days passed since your argument with Jean. You reconciled, although things were not the same. You were fine, but for some reason, Jean could barely look you in the eyes. You thought maybe he was embarrassed or still annoyed. But that was out of your hands.

You stood outside in uniform while the sun's blazing heat tortured you. Summer was coming around, and the weather gave no mercy. 

"Cadets, starting tomorrow is your five-day survival test. You will be placed in groups of three on my behalf." Shadis announced.

Great, I don't even get to choose my group, you thought.

"So, today is preparation day. Pack your bags and prepare, ladies and scum, for a five-day trip out in the woods." Shadis bellowed. "I will announce your groups after lunch. You are dismissed!"

Groans and moans spread throughout the crowd of cadets as they dispersed back to the barracks to pack. You left to go catch up to Krista and Ymir.

"I hope I'm with at least one of you guys," you said smiling. "I don't know what I'd do."

Ymir grinned. "Oh, I know."

"Wouldn't it be fun though?" Krista gushed to Ymir. "A group of you, me, and (Y/n)?"

"I don't think Shadis will be kind enough to put all girls in one group." Ymir sighed. "He's a pain in the ass, and he'd do anything to make this dumb camping trip even more miserable for us."

You shrugged, "maybe this time will be different. Some of the guys here aren't too bad, anyways."

"I just feel bad for the unlucky bastard who gets paired up with horseface or the maniac," Ymir laughed, then looked directly at you.

A light blush creeped up your neck and onto your cheeks. "Okay, yeah, they're my friends and all but I agree. I think I'd go insane if I got paired with one of them, or even both at the same time."

"But what are the odds of that? There's so many of us, I'm sure we'll all end up in groups we like." Krista assured you and Ymir.

"Speak of the devil." Ymir mumbled. She tugged Krista in the opposite direction and you looked at her confused until you realized who she was talking about.

"Hey," Jean said awkwardly as he approached you. "Who do you think you'll get grouped with?"

You smiled at him and shrugged lightly. "I'm not sure, but I'm hoping for either Krista or Ymir. Sasha would be fun too, until she gets hungry." You said while laughing. "How about you?"

Jean's face turned a light pink and he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "Oh, uh- Marco. Yeah, probably Marco."

"Anyone else?"

His face grew pinker as he began to stammer. "Oh yeah, Connie too. Or Thomas. Probably."

You furrowed your brows at him. His behavior was starting to get weird, and you hadn't noticed him this awkward around you before. You stopped walking and looked at him with concern.

"Are you still upset from the other night?" You asked.

Jean took a deep breath and sighed. "No, sorry (Y/n). I've just been nervous lately. I felt horrible after I upset you, and I guess I feel weird now.."

"Don't be," you said with a smile. "All is well. Friends fight, after all. I'll see you at lunch." As you walked away, you could've sworn you heard Jean curse.

Yeah, friends. He thought. Just friends.


Take Me Home |rewritten| (Eren X Reader X Jean)Where stories live. Discover now