.01 ↠ a valentines night

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lowercases are intentional.

                                                          a valentines night.

poppy was looking in the mirror. She was in her pod, trying to decide which one of her thousands of dresses to wear tonight. it was Valentine's Day, and out of the hundreds of troll-Holidays there were, this one was surely her favorite.

she scrolled through dull, colorful, rich, and raggedy; all kinds of dresses, pants, pajamas, shirts she owned. She could always pick something in the morning but right now it felt like life or death. She was about to go on her first troll-valentines date with branch. She'd gone on many dates with him —most she planned herself— but this one was different. Branch had planned this one, and he insisted she came. 

So here she sat. Rummaging through clothes she tossed around, until- she gasped. The perfect dress.

It was colorful, but not too colorful. It was bright, but not too many sparkles—as much as she loved sparkles— it had pops of color here and there, but it wasn't too distracting. It was mostly pink for Valentine's Day.  It was really the perfect dress.

poppy shoved on the dress and spun around with a bright teethy smile. She giggled a bit in the mirror. Her hair was done high, in a bold loud style with some curls and colors all around. Something fancy that was different from her regular ponytail. She felt beautiful, but her smile faded in worry. Would branch think that too? 

She placed on her regular crown and checked the time, 6:15. Her friend smidge would be coming in-

The door burst open, and smidge came running through. Dressed in pink and holding a satchel, the little yellow troll smiled at queen poppy.

"Hey poppy. Woah. Poppy wow- you look so beautiful. I can't believe it." Smidge gaped at the pink troll in front of her. "Your hair, and the dress and-" smidge looked at poppy's face, "oh poppy, my best friend is draped in beauty right now!"

"Aw, smidge. Thank you." She did a little curtsy, and they both chuckled.  "You look great too. I dig the pink look going on there."

"Oh well, you know" smidge put a hand on her cheek. "Your date is soon. The outfit looks pretty done. But it's missing one thing."

"And what would that be?"

Smidge grabbed into the satchel she was holding. Smidge proceeded to pull out the most extraordinary crown she'd ever seen. It was draped in flowers, with hints of all colors of the rainbow. It had sparkles and a valentines touch. "Wow, smidge. Is that for me?"

"It's only for the most beautiful deserving-queen-bestfriend-troll-ever in the whole wide world, poppy." Smidge replied, leaning up and placing the crown on poppy's head, "and I bet branch will love it. How could he not?"

Poppy grinned and blushed, batting her lashes in the mirror and putting her hand gently to her mouth. "It's great smidge." She checked her watch. "And it's also time to go."

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