.14 ↠ advice

241 7 63

lowercases are intentional.


branch had a problem.

it had been almost 3 weeks since the Bergen situation, where poppy and her friends had saved all the trolls from the hungry bergens; they made friends with them, branch found his spark, and all was great. He was supposed to be happy. There was supposed to be a happy ending. voila.

But that's not how it felt. And yea, branch had found his happiness with poppy, but it wore off so quickly. He did the regulars, like singing and dancing and what not- but when that was over, he didn't feel anything. It was just like he was before.

and branch tried. He really tried to get it back. But everyday when he looked in the mirror, he would see his blue colours fading more everyday. branch would see the same old grey troll from before. which put him in a more solemn mood.

He was not even sad, he was mostly embarrassed. How could he go back to troll village, for everyone to see that he had almost returned to his old state? He sighed. It was time to ask for help.

branch —after a lot of thinking— traveled to troll village. There was a certain troll he was looking for. He walked into the town, to see the citizens shopping, eating, enjoying their lives. It didn't look that hard. why was it that hard?

branch looked around, and gulped with nervousness. He decided to walk to the flower shop, maybe something there could help him. The troll waltzed in, and just walked around aimlessly. The botanist at the counter was confused when he left with nothing purchased.

Ok, so she wasn't there. Big deal. He thought, walking around. maybe this was all for nothing. Maybe she is just in her pod, scrapbooking or something. This is stupid-

But he was interuppted from his internal rambling when his eye caught a pink blur in the crowd.


He chased the troll without thinking, not even knowing if it was the troll he thought it was. The people walking around town dispersed. And poppy stood in the middle of the plaza, carrying a few bags of supplies, food, and other accessories. she looked  beautiful, looking down and counting her items.

branch stopped, getting nervous. His heart pounded in his chest. Just go tell her.

He stepped closer. No I can't. He took another step, just go do it!

poppy swiftly turned, "oh! branch!" She looked at the grayish troll, up and down, "how are you?" She had a lovely teethy smile plastered on her face.

"Uhhhh." He stuttered, "I'm good."

"Okay.." poppy said, "then, is there something you need?"

He paused, "uhm." Just tell her.

"Actually yes, I need help. I need your help."

There was a silence, before poppy smiled again, "sure! What's going on?"

"uhhhhhhhh.." he stuttered, before covering his mouth, "I- uhm." Poppy started at him awkwardly. Why couldn't he just say it?

"I'm sad." He blurted out.
Poppy straightened, "oh?"

"Well, it's not- just- I'm sad. It's like, I'm sad. And after the whole— Bergen thing— I thought I was going to be happy, like- like everybody else. Like you." He blurted out, before slapping his hand over his mouth again.

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