aspire; 16

847 35 13


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

XVI. leehaechan┊𝙽𝙲𝚃 .
────❝[  pain ]

Donghyuck never showed when he was hurt or tired, he'd usually deal with it alone, but these days it's been getting worse.

With their new comeback candy around the corner, schedules have been extremely hard for him, and on top of that he needed to get through a week of promotions just to be sent back to schedules for the link tour, then ay-yo.

Anyone who looked at donghyuck, especially in the practise room could see how hurt he was, although he never once stopped unless he was allowed to have a break, he never once complained.

The other members started getting encouraged by seeing Donghyuck.

The music video was announced to be coming out tomorrow, he'd have to film a reaction video.

Everything was a little too much for him right now, his whole body was aching, desperate for a break. His head was pounding, When was the last time he ate?

All his insecurities seemed to come back, and with that he was staring at his ceiling in his dark room, not able to fall asleep.

Compared to other members he never allowed himself to have a crush, or if he did he'd never make a move. When you're in a group with many muscular attractive members, you start to belittle yourself, which is what Donghyuck would do.

He had always been insecure about his lack of abs, or muscles, he'd try not to show skin, but his stylers would always beg him.

And the twitter threads that haechan read almost, every single night, did not help.

˖ ̨𖥔 ִ ་

Haechan has been lacking in everything these days?

unknown I know right? I want to start finding a new bias

unknown mark and taeyong are way better dancers, and Taeil and Doyoung have always out sang him, he's a dozen honestly..

unknown nct would be fine without him
unknown right, he doesn't add anything special to the group

unknown and his voice sounds so childish..

unknown he's way too shy to show his abs, it grosses me out, I'd rather look at Johnny's anyways.

He couldn't sleep, and he couldn't stop thinking. He needed a walk. He needed fresh air, maybe he could walk to the nearest convenience store for some pain medications.

He threw on the most lazy fit every, he just threw on a sweater over the shirt he was already wearing, and pants over the pants he was already wearing, he grabbed a mask, hat, his phone and keys and left.

He forgot to bring a jacket, but didn't realize since the fresh air, and December wind blowing on his face felt better then it ever did.

Once he got into the convenience store, he bowed to the worker before going to the medication aisle. He picked up the first box he seen that said muscle relaxer, that's all he wanted. He wanted his muscles to relax, he wanted to stop feeling sore.

He payed and quickly left, the walk home was much faster than the actual walk there, donghyuck realized that although he checked his twitter he hasn't checked anyone's message all day, and even now he was way to lazy to check anything, he was way too tired.

When donghyuck came home there was nobody insight, everyone seemed to be knocked out, he wished. He silently made his way into his room trying not to make any noise.

He took off the clothes he threw over his pjs and sat on his bed, taking two of the pills out and water, chugging them down.

He had to wake up early tomorrow, for a pre recording on music bank, and music video reaction, and a dance practise. Tomorrow was a long day and he was still awake.

It was currently 2 am, the music video would come out at 6 pm, and he, had to be awake at 6 am for his schedules, but sadly it wasn't that easy to fall asleep for Donghyuck.

He probably laid there staring at the wall for 30 minutes before his body shut down in attempts of gaining some energy.

˖ ̨𖥔 ִ ་

notification center
[ [ instagram ] haechanaceah 99+ new messages ! ] just now !

[ [ instagram ]  ( daedaesuck ) dreamers
Has anyone seen Hyuck? He hasn't answered my messages
literally all day? ]  2 hours ago !

[  [ imessage ]  gigi 🧸
[ sent a photo 3 hours ago !

[  [ imessage ]  gigi 🧸
Set up miffy for bed too 😋 ] 3 hours ago !

Poor hyuck I love him

During this time I remember I was so worried especially when he couldn't go on the link tour with them..

I'll try and write it well when we get there 😢

Also idk when this is getting uploaded... but me from December 29th 2023 says thank you for 600 reads ❤️

Also remember when he didn't tell her contact name it's just her nickname ig?? Idk

aspire : haechan حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن