How it started!

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Mack wakes up early. He cannot sleep so he decides to do an early morning stream. He logs on and he starts streaming. It is his escape from his world. He streams for close to two hours and he gets off. He goes and jumps in the shower. He had a message from his boss. He has to stay over and hour later today. He needs to do some extra practice with the math team. They want to get one extra study session in before the tournament tomorrow. He gets dressed and he heads out the door. He wants to stop by the shop to grab a drink before work. 

Nico wakes up and he is already pissed off. Kaden and Torrin are already arguing this morning. Torrin is dragging his behind and he will not get ready. Nico finally is able to get them ready and they head downstairs. Torris is crying wanting to set up front. Kaden will not let him, but it is Kaden's turn. They will not stop arguing. The three brothers will have a conversation. 

(N) Please stop arguing. 

(T) I want to sit up front. 

(K) It is my turn. 

(N) Kaden is right, it is his turn buddy. You can ride up front Monday morning. 

(T) No, just let me ride up front. He is a jack ass. 

(N) Watch you language. 

(K) Ha, bitch. 

(N) You too. 

(K) I am older than him. 

(T) You are the bitch. 

Nico slams on the brakes and he pulls over. Both boys know they have pushed him too far. 

(N) That is it, I am done with this arguing every morning. You are both grounded for the weekend. Kaden you are not going to the party Saturday night. Torrin you are not going to the zoo. If I hear one more word you are both going to get spanked when we get home. 

(K) You have not spanked us in years. 

(N) Yeah, and look where it has gotten me. We cannot even ride in the car together. 

(T) I promise I will be good. 

(N) You better or I am tearing your bottom up. 

(T) Yes sir. 

(K) Sorry. 

(N) No more talking. 

Nico starts driving and he drops the boys off at school. They were good the rest of the way. He drives to the coffee shop, and he walks in. He has to have his morning coffee. He gets his drink, and he sees a dude sitting over at a table. He looks like he is grading papers. He has white hair and he is wearing a nice-looking outfit. He checks him out and he is wearing heels. Nico is a little jealous. He is proud of who he is. Nico decides he is going to take a chance and go and speak with him. 

Nico is nervous but he walks up and he sits down. Mack looks up and the two will talk. Nico(N) and Mack(M). 

(M) Good morning.

(N) Good morning, is it ok if I sit here?

(M) That is fine. 

(N) I am Nico. 

(M) I am Mack. 

(N) I really like your outfit. 

(M) Thank you, I like your suit. 

(N) You know it's a boring outfit. 

(M) It shows you are probably a hardworking man. Can I take a guess?

(N) Absolutely.

(M) It has to be either finance, medical, or law? 

(N) Law.

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