A look back and a date night!

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Nico and Mack have walked down the stairs, and they get into Nico's car. Nico is a gentleman, and he opens the door for Mack. Mack is very surprised. He has never been on a date, and everything feels new. They start driving and Nico reaches over and grabs Mack's hand. They ride in silence just enjoying each other's company. 

Flash Back for Nico!

Nico is 26 years old. He lost his parents five years ago. They were driving home from a Christmas party and were struck by a drunk driver. After their death everything moved so fast. He was twenty-one at the time and he was almost done with school. He was able to start college at sixteen and he has one semester left until he graduates and passed the bar. His parents owned their law company, and it went straight to him. He also received the majority of their inheritance. His two younger brothers both received a few million dollars for when they reach eighteen. Nico received the rest and has invested and grown their portfolio. 

He then took custody of both of his smaller brothers. They had plenty of money and he decided to sell their family home and purchase a penthouse. It is amazing and he loves it. It has four bedrooms and five bathrooms. He spends his last semester taking care of Kaden and Torrin. Kaden was nine when his parents died. It really bothered him. He had to go through a lot of counseling and Nico was always worried about him. Torrin was only four and he has troubles remembering his parents. He always calls Nico dad, and it seems to piss Kaden off. 

Once he graduated, he took over as the managing partner at his law firm. He had two assistants that helped him, and he hired nannies to help him raise Kaden and Torrin for the first two years while he got things under control and built the company up. After that he devoted his time to work and taking care of his brothers. He tried his best to make them happy, earn their trust, and show them love. It seemed to work for a while until they started despising each other.  

His brothers take up the majority of his free time. He does everything to make them happy. He tries to devote his weekends to spend time with them. It always seems the harder he tries the more they argue and push back. It is like the try and push his limits. He longs for the chance to find a partner and be happy. He knows Kaden does not like gay people. Torrin loves a streamer, and he is gay. Torrin talks about him nonstop. 

All Nico wants is for his family to be happy. He wants Kaden and Torrin to love each other and get along. He loves them with all his heart. He feels guilty sometimes. His aunt and uncle tried to take them, but he refused. At the time they wanted to stay with their brother. Now he feels like their opinion may have changed! He hopes he can get everything back under control! He finally met someone he hopes he can build a happy future with. 

Flash Back To Mack's Past! 

Mack is a quiet and nerdy kid. He came out to his family at eighteen. He was hoping they would be supportive and understand he was different. However, that was not the case. Both of his parents were drug addicts, and they were disappointed! His grandmother was old school Baptist. She made sure she thought that was nasty and she would give him disappointing looks. 

Mack tried to keep his head down and hustle and make good grades in school. He met his first partner in school, and it did not last long. His partner played with his feelings and made him feel like crap. He would verbally abuse him for being overweight and he would belittle him every chance he got. 

Mack decided he was going to lose the weight and focus on his schoolwork. He started school at seventeen and busted his ass for four years to graduate with a bachelor's in education teaching math. On the day of his graduation none of his family showed up. He decided right then he was alone, and he needed a change. He had worked customer service during his college years. He had money saved up and he decided to apply to a public school outside of Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Their school had one of the worst math teams from the previous year.

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