A little confused!

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They pull up and Torrin and Kaden get out and head to school. Kaden grabs Torrin's hand and walks him to his first class. The boy that bullies him is confused and he walks up to Kaden to talk. Devin(D) and Kaden(K) will talk.

(D) Why are you holding his hand?

(K) You are done being mean to him. 

(D) Ok. 

(K) If you say anything negative to him or touch him again, I will kick your ass. Do you understand?

(D) I do. 

(K) Thank you. 

(D) Who dropped you off this morning? That was not Nico. 

(K) It was Mack. He is Nico's boyfriend. 

(D) Nico is gay?

(K) He is. 

(D) I see. 

(K) You better keep your negative comments to yourself. I will kick your ass and be ok. Mack gave me permission to defend my family.  

(D) I am not going to say anything negative. He has the right to be gay. Is he happy?

(K) Yes. 

(D) Good, do you think I could come stay the night this weekend? 

(K) I will ask. 

(D) I will also talk to Torrin and apologize. 

(K) Thank you. 

(D) No problem. 

The bell rings and they head to class. Kaden is glad Devin is going to start being nice to Torrin. He is going to have to ask Devin help make everyone else be nice too. Kaden does not want to get spanked, but he is going to defend his baby brother. They are a team and Mack was right. He does want to always have a relationship with his baby brother. 

Mack gets to school, and he starts everything up. His principal walks to his room and knocks. He walks in and they will have a conversation. Mack(M) and Principal(P). 

(P) I wanted to come by and congratulate you on your win. 

(M) Thank you. 

(P) I also wanted to speak to you about something. 

(M) Ok, am I in trouble?

(P) You are not. 

(M) Ok. 

(P) I am giving you a twenty percent increase in your pay. 

(M) Really?

(P) Yes. 

(M) May I ask why?

(P) I have had twelve offers come in for you. All the private schools want you and I spoke to the board. I told them if we did not up your pay, I was afraid we would lose you. They agreed twenty percent now and twenty percent every year for the next five years. We just need you to keep winning. We get huge grants, and we have donors donating all because of your math team. 

(M) I understand sir. 

(P) I also have this for you. The board gave you a bonus check of ten thousand dollars. Can you keep this quiet please? 

(M) I will. 

(P) Ok, I will see you later during the staff meeting. 

(M) Yes sir. 

The principal walks out and Mack smiles. He got a bonus and a raise. He smiles and endorses the check and deposits it to his account. He gets his phone out and he texts Nico. This conversation will be between Nico and Mack. 

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