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Nico ends up working late but he texted Mack most the night. Mack is a little concerned about the boys. He had no clue that Kaden was uncomfortable with his brother being gay. Mack woke up early and he saw some messages he missed. He texts back and then he gets ready for his tournament. 

His students have worked really hard, and he thinks they are going to do great today. He gets ready and he arrives at the school. Most of the students are excited and they practice the whole way. When they get there his students go into their rooms to take their tests and Mack(M) and Nico(N) will text. 

(N) Good morning. 

(M) Good morning, how is it going?

(N) It is good. Torrin is getting ready to go to the zoo. Kaden is going to a party tonight. I was wondering if you wanted to come over after you got back? I have to work this afternoon, but we could spend some time together. 

(M) Let me think about it. 

(N) Did I do something wrong?

(M) No, I just do not know how long it will be here. I also do not want to make your brothers uncomfortable. We just started talking and I do not want them to think I am going to be taken time away from them. 

(N) I don't think they will think that. Can you please just come over for one hour?

(M) Yes, I will come over. Will you make sure they are both ok with it? 

(N) I will. 

(M) Ok, I will message you when we get back. 

(N) Ok, I hope you have a good day. Let me know what place you get!

(M) I will. 

Mack goes back to talk to the other teachers. They are waiting for their students to finish the test. Nico gets up and he meets Zen and Torrin at the door. He gives Zen the money and they take off to the zoo. It leaves Nico and Kaden at home. Kaden is trying to be on his best behavior. He wants to go to the party tonight. He can tell something is bothering Nico and he tries to talk to him. Nico(N) and Kaden(K). 

(K) Are you ok?

(N) Yeah.

(K) Are you sure?

(N) Did you say anything to Mack last night?

(K) No, why?

(N) He is afraid of coming over. He does not want you to think I am taking time away from you two. 

(K) I don't care if he comes over. 

(N) Ok, I just wanted to make sure. I will talk to Torrin when he gets back. 

(K) Do you want to watch a movie together?

(N) Sure, I will get us some snacks and drinks. You pick out the movie. 

(K) Ok. 

Kaden goes over and picks out a movie he knows Nico will like; He feels bad he was rude last night. He will try to talk to Mack when they are alone. He does not want Nico to be unhappy. He does a lot for them. Nico comes back and sits the snack and drinks on the table, and they start the movie. 

Kaden can see the worry in Nico's eyes. He knows he needs to help fix the situation. He leans his head on Nico's shoulder and gives him some of his cover. Nico is shocked. Kaden is usually rude and does not like to spend time with him. He wraps his arm around Kaden and enjoys the time. He knows it might not happen again. 

The watch the movie and it finishes. Zen calls and informs Nico that he is sick, and he cannot babysit tonight. They are on their way back from the zoo. Nico is a little upset. He is going to have to ask Kaden to do it. Kaden is going to be mad he is going to miss his party. Kaden sees the look on Nico's face, and he gets mad. The two will talk. Nico(N) and Kaden(K). 

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