Chapter 2 The end of a chapter pt2

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Hey (important/voice of all things)
Hey (narrating)
Hey (thoughts)


"There is a way, Luffy."

Confusion filled Luffy's mind and eyes. What does Roger even mean by there's a way?He cries every singl night at sea from guilt and everything else that in his head.

"I know you're desperate. You suffered for too many years and was forced to grow up and mature without any warning. I can tell you have severe nightmares just from the bags on your eyes because you are being haunted by the fact they sacrificed them self so that you can survive." Roger looked at Luffy with sadness after speaking a fact that Luffy knows but is afraid to face.

An old memory come to Luffy's mind after Roger spoke.
It was probably around 12-1 am. He was on the sunny, laying on the grass admiring the moon that was glowing. He couldn't sleep for some reason when Robin joined, She was sitting beside him reading a book with a nightlight.

"Hey Robin, why did you join me here?"The 19 year old Luffy asked out of curiosity. "Well i was in the library whn i saw you laying here, i thought I'd sit beside you so you won't feel lonely." Robin answer smiling.

After a few minutes if silence Luffy asked another question. "Robin," He called to get her attention before sitting up and looking at her.

"What are you reading?"

Robin was a little surprised since Luffy didnt have much interest in any kind of book... well until now. "Well, im reading 'How the Brain responds mentally to serious situations and or truma'. I picked it up from the last island" Robin answered curious if Luffy might actually have intrest on this topic.

"Can you read it to me?" Luffy requested with his classic grin "Of course. I'm on Page: 125 'Survivors guilt'."
"Survivor's Guilt, right?" Luffy Questioned Roger to see if that was what he was referring too. "Yes."

"Please... Please tell what you mean by there's a way" Luffy's notebook was already on the ground since Luffy didn't want the notebook to get damaged from him clenching his hands.

"Thalassa, please explain to him" Roger said looking at the figure on top of the Rio Poneglyph who's name was to be revealed to be Thalassa.

"I'll give you a proper introduction, I am Thalassa. I am the soul of the sea, The feeling of freedom when you are in the ocean, i am one of many reasons on why there are many pirates in the ocean" She introduced

"The feeling of home.."Luffy added "Yes."

"You may be confused as to what is the way that roger. Well that way is very much absurd and crazy for a human like you but the way is Time travel. Since i am the soul of the sea, i have been alive since the very beggining of this world and of which gives me the ability to control time whenever i what. Roger convinced me to take a look at your life, now I have you seen the way you have lived, and i very much think that you deserve to have a second chance." Thalassa eplained and showed her opinion on his life.

"Again?..."Luffy said feeling unworthy of this second chance.

Am i really deserving of this? I lead the revolution after my dad died from an inevitable explosion. I let... my crew die. I could'nt even save my brothers from their death. I started a war and finished that very war. I saved many lives what cost?

Luffy looked at the ground deciding if he really did deserve to live again. What if he makes the same mistakes agin?what if he doesnt live up to this Powerful woman's to expectations?what if he doesnt complete his goal of-

His train of overthinking thoughts where stopped by Roger grabbing Luffy by the shoulders and shaking him "snap out of it!"

"Luffy, you will get to see your fiends, famiy, the people you love. If you take this chance you"ll get thhe redemtion you want by changing the people you love faiiths." Thalassa jumped down the Rio Poneglyph and walked towards Luffy and held out her hand to him.

"One word Luffy. One word." Thalassa said to Luffy clerly giving him the choice to give up this chnace. "If..if i chose to live my life for a second time, i'll get the chance to save everryone. Right?" Luffy asked before answering her.

"Of course you'll get the chance to save evey one you love and the people you care about." Thalassa answered calmly but she really wasn't expecting someone second thinking if they want to relive their life again remembering their first. Most would immedietely say yes as for their greed.

"i want to relive my life again." With that the ancient city turned into a place tthat looked like the galaxy with many circles of events with Luffy but they didnt look like the places nd clothing were from their world "Those are alternative universes, they are like ours but a bit different. It's better not to look at them." Thalassa explained

She began to walk over a Globe. that looks like nami's maps but circle what was that callled again?

"Now touch the globe and that will send you back to the day that started everything."

Luffy began to walk over and touch thee globe "Young pirate king. Please, i am begging you. take care of my son for me"

"Of course. Even though i was going to take care of Ace weither you asaked ot not, but think of this as me thanking you for convincing Ms. Thalassa to take a look at my life." Luffy said with his classic grin which he hadn't showed in over 20 years.

Luffy touched the globe. For a moment he felt like he saw his life flash before his eye's going backwards to the day Thalassa first called out to him.

His eye's began to black out for a moment then he started to regan his vision. It was blurry but he heared a whisper from a familiar voice.

"Please, live your life with happiness with this second chance. You were right, you are the only thing in life you can control so use it for yourself not for anybody else!So live my dear sunflower."

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