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"all mine" | BRENT FAIYAZ

02:38 ───────────●───── 03:37


valerie woke up the next morning next to chloe, squinting her eyes as rays of sunlight peeked through the curtains of their hotel room. she heard the soft snores of chloe laying next to her, while all she could focus on was her pounding headache. she stretched her arms over her head, and went over to the bathroom. valerie looked at herself in the mirror with disgust, seeing her makeup from last night smudged all on her face. she gently washed away the makeup and moisturized her face, before heading straight to her phone to see what had happened last night. "i don't remember a thing." chloe groaned sitting up at the sight of valerie getting back into the covers. "me neither, but at least were both back in this hotel room." she sighed, unlocking her phone to check her social media. thankfully, nothing bad was posted until she saw she now had jacques' number in her contacts. "no, no. no." valerie rushed out, scrolling up to read their messages from last night.

jacques 💙

2:38 pm

jacques 💙
this is valerie right?

yes! how abuit we go to dinnwr next week?

jacques 💙
perfect. i'll pick you up at six on monday

ojay 😘

"why did you let me do thattt." valerie groaned, throwing herself back onto the bed whilst chloe grabbed her phone to re - read the messages. "clearly you were drunk i can't even read the messages you sent, your spelling is that bad. why would he agree to going out knowing your not sober?" chloe said. "i don't know but now i have no choice but to go on a date with this guy." valerie said, once kacy had used one of the key cards the girls' had given her. chloe handed kacy valerie's phone, whilst kacy gasped at the messages. "omg, finally!" kacy squealed in excitement, tackling valerie into a hug. "no, this isn't exciting kacy. i have my album coming out and i don't know if i'm ready to have anything serious right now."

valerie's last boyfriend, andrew, was back when she was eighteen and he was twenty-one. it was her first ever relationship, so many things that had happened that she shouldn't have let slide...she did. at first it was all she could dream of; flowers every sunday, dancing around his apartment, cooking together. they even travelled to hawaii together for her nineteenth birthday. but then the controlling started to take place. valerie was slowly made to feel guilty anytime she spent time to herself or with her friends if they weren't special occasions. valerie felt trapped, and slowly started to loose herself. she dressed how andrew would like, as it made her feel more confident when with her boyfriend if she knew he liked how she looked that day. but it wasn't until the comments started coming out when valerie knew this wasn't healthy.

"what have you been eating recently? maybe you should cut out carbs or something, your stomach is starting to get bigger."

"i said you looked better in black, why would you wear something i don't like?"

28 MAY 2021

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓, trent alexander-arnoldWhere stories live. Discover now