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I hunch beside a sturdy-looking tree, watching the blue car parked on the side of the road. The wind is chilly as I stand in only my black T-shirt and jeans. Thick raindrops soak into my clothes. It's not ideal to walk around in wet jeans but, then again, I wasn't expecting to run into anyone. Glancing towards the black sky through the leaves I know it must be late in the evening, close to midnight. But I remain where I'm hunched as I continue to stare. The dark skin of my arms blended in with the darkness around me.

Where I sit, I can see the windshield wipers frantically trying to keep the view clear, but with little effect as the rain continues to belt down. I'm sure it would have been a muddy mess if it wasn't for the pine needles covering the forest floor. The rain drummed rhythmically against the car's roof and road, there was so much rain that all the sounds blended into one deafening roar. The wind whistled loudly as it danced through the trees, tugging at my soaked shirt. The rain had only gotten worse and worse the longer I stood and watched. The windshield wipers had been unable to keep up and forced the driver to stop and wait on the side of the road. The headlights are still on, illuminating the dark woods beside the road, just shy of my hiding place. With a bit of squinting and with the help of the headlights, I was able to make out a young woman, sitting quietly inside the car, staring at something in her hands. Most likely a phone with no signal.

Taking this moment, I decide to go over to her. I slowly exit the cover of the woods and dash to the car, using my arms to cover my head the best I can. I'm soaked to the bone, but for once I don't mind. Soon I'll have a full stomach and that's all that matters.

Making my way to the car, I loudly knock on the driver's side window catching the attention of the person inside. I see her jump slightly as her startled eyes turn to face me. The girl looks terrified as I stand there waiting, watching. I give her a small reassuring smile hoping to calm her down and trust me. I watch as she slowly lowers the window slightly. Only a few inches, just enough to talk to me.

"Excuse me, miss," I called, barely loud enough to be heard over the rain. "I saw your car and wondered if you'd like to come and stay with me and my wife, and wait out the rain." I watched her frightened eyes continue to stare at me, unsure of what she should do. "The rain can last for hours out here, might be better to conserve your car battery." I continue while gesturing to the lights, trying to convince her it is in her best interest to come with me. She silently watches me trying to decide what to do. The rain is pelting down onto the car and myself. I do my best to seem unthreatening and give her a small smile. Nothing creepy. Just a kind smile someone would give. Getting annoyed with the rain I move my hand up to cover my head a little more to stop the cold droplets from running down my neck. I hate wet clothing. There is nothing I hate more than being stuck out in the cold, drenched to the bone, so she better hurry up; my patience is wearing thin.

I continue to watch the girl debate whether she should come with me or not. If she should trust me against all odds. Inevitably she realises that she doesn't have much choice. Not if she doesn't want to be left out in the middle of nowhere with an empty car battery and no signal to call for assistance. Finally, after what feels like hours of standing in this cold, wet, weather she gives a small nod. Relieved I step aside, allowing her room to get out of the car.

"Thank you, sir, for your kindness. How far is your home?" She questions, barely loud enough to be heard over the rain and the noise of the still-running engine. I [im-]patiently wait as she reaches back to grab a big coat from the backseat, pulling it on the best she can while sitting in a car, getting ready to get out of the toasty warm car and into the cold wet night. She turns the headlights off, followed by the windshield wipers, and finally the engine. It takes another moment for her to eventually exit the car, much to my relief. I sure hope that the rain won't continue like this for the entire festival. That would ruin all the fun we had planned, considering 90% of the festival takes place outside.

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