Chapter 9

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The next time that I wake up I am lying on the couch in the living room. Ryan standing at the door smiling down at me.

"Valerie, I want you to shower and get changed. I got an outfit, from one of the girls here who looks to be about your size, in the bathroom." A shower sounds amazing right now. But as I stare down at my nursing uniform, I can't help but wonder what is to happen to my current clothing. I can't lose this, not yet. This is my last reminder of home.

"No thank you." Even though I tried to sound thankful it came out sounding bitter.

"That wasn't a question, Spitfire," His voice has lost its sweet touch and turned to one of demand.

"You will change out of those filthy clothes and accept this new life of yours!" I can feel the anger radiating off him even though he looks to be doing his best to stay calm. Why can't I ever listen? As I stare into his eyes, ready to refuse him, I can see the unspoken promise in them. I would regret it if I didn't listen to him.

"This is your final chance, go into the bathroom, shower and change clothes. It's not that hard. After that, you will come downstairs, and we will talk."

"I will not. You can't make me." Tears brimmed in my eyes; I knew all too well he could make me, but I just couldn't do it. I couldn't get changed. Even if my nursing uniform was not the most comfortable, it smelled of sweat, covered in dirt and grime, and even blood. I just couldn't do it. It was the last thing I had that linked me to my old life. If it was taken away from me, I would have nothing left. I just couldn't allow that to happen. But the fight was leaving me. I desperately begged him with my eyes to let me keep my current clothes on. But as his glare hardened and his mouth curved down, I knew I had made a huge mistake.

"That's it." He moved away from the door frame and over to me. Fear was all I could feel as I remained where I sat, eyes wide. "You are going to change and that is final." His large hands wrapped around my upper arm and pulled me up from the couch. All protests were ignored as he pulled me up the stairs and into the room opposite the one I had previously occupied. I was sobbing as I was shoved into a corner stumbling over my own feet before landing on my knees. Turning to look over my shoulder I found him standing with a knife in his hands. My body froze in fear and before I realised it, I was crawling backwards against the wall, apologising feverously while he continued to stalk closer, the pleas falling on deaf ears. The knife got closer and closer to me as tears rolled from my eyes and before I knew it, he grabbed onto my scrub top and with the other hand, the one holding the knife, cut my top in half in one swift movement. I let out a small scream as I tried to fight against him, but my strength is no match against his. He continued ripping the top at the shoulders, leaving me in only my bra. He then moved on to the pants. First, he wedged his hand between the waistband and my body before taking the knife and sawing at the fabric. My struggles eventually stopped while he finished cutting the clothing off my pale body. Thankfully leaving me in my bra and underwear. But the clothes were ruined.

He gets off me and I pull my legs closer to my own body, trying to hide from his gaze. The last thing I had of my old life, has now been taken away from me.

"I'll leave you to get changed. Hurry up, I am not a patient man." With that said he left the room, leaving me feeling terrified and alone. After a minute of sitting on the floor, feeling sorry for myself, I eventually take a moment to look around the room that I'm in. I quickly discover I'm in a bathroom. Opposite me is a toilet and beside me a shower. Opposite the shower was the sink with a large mirror over it. On top of the sink, I spot the outfit he wanted me to wear. Standing up I pull the fabric up to see what it is. It's a dark green dress with flowers on it, it looks like it would end just below my knees and has a semi-deep V-shaped neckline. I have to admit, it looks cute. Definitely something I would have chosen to wear back home. Home. With a sigh, I turn to face the shower. I better not anger him anymore and actually take a shower.

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