Chapter 6

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The man closes the distance between us, a knife held high in his right hand. My life is about to come to an end. I'm going to be killed in cold blood and none of them will care. My hands are shaking while tears leak from my eyes. The hold on my shoulders is tight, his grip unrelenting as the man before me stalks closer. I don't want to die!

A sudden high-pitched scream overpowers the crowd's cheering. It takes me a moment to realise that the screaming is coming from me. One final desperate attempt to fight. And for a brief moment, it works. The man stalking closer takes a startled step back. I scream again, louder this time, high-pitched and shrill. But a hand covering my mouth silences my desperate cry. How dare he! Letting all my anger out I move my jaw around until I feel a soft bit of skin between my teeth and bite down on it. Hard. I'm pretty sure I tasted blood there. As he let out his yelp in pain, I take this moment to stomp on his foot as hard as I can while releasing my teeth from his hand. Swearing loudly, he quickly pulls his hand away. Turning around satisfaction washes over me as I watch him cradle his bleeding hand in his other hand while trying to relieve the pain in his foot by standing on it. Time for the final blow. I kick him in his man parts as hard as I can. Another yelp escapes his lips and satisfaction flows into me. Unfortunately, before I can do any more damage, another man grabs a hold of me and slaps me across the face. Startled I let my head turn to the side. I'm sure that's going to leave a bruise. My eyes widen in shock as I realise that I should not have done any of that. They are going to draw out my death and make me pay. I shiver in fear as I let my eyes lock with those of Ryan's. If I'm to die here and now, I may as well make him feel guilty for it. I continue to glare desperately trying to hide the fear coursing through me. From the corner of my eye, I can see the man who had just slapped me raise his hand once again. It took everything in me to not close my eyes in fearful anticipation of the hit. I was determined to continue staring at Ryan. After all, he is the one to blame!

And just as I thought the man would hit me, I was surprised to find the hand frozen mid-swing as the one and only Ryan Collins commanded him to stop. What seems to be the millionth time today, my eyes widen in shock as I turn a bit more towards Ryan. The hand that was about to slap me quickly moved down to hold on to my shoulder like the previous guy had done, keeping me from running off.

"Jeremy, this isn't your kill, it's Marks, and neither is she to be punished by you," Ryan started calmly walking closer to us.

"Although I've gotten intrigued by her. She's something else, that's for sure. She's not going down without a fight, that's obvious." I stare at him in confusion. What the hell is he planning? I'm not interesting at all. I'm just trying to make him feel guilty for what he is doing to innocent people. Eating them. I just wanted to find out more about him and make him realise how wrong this is. I never anticipated I'd catch his – whatever it is. I don't want him to be intrigued by me. I want to be free, get back to my studies, and stress over assignments and exams. Stressing whether I'll live, or die, wasn't on the schedule for this year. Or the next. Or any other for that matter!

"Tell me Little Spitfire, what is your name?" All I could do was stare at him blankly. Why the hell would he want to know my name? So that he can bury my bones and give me a tombstone? No thanks. I glared up at him, and he glared right back. He didn't look to be wanting to back down from this glaring contest, so I won't either.

"Tell me," He stated once more while slapping his hand against my cheek. It wasn't as hard as the last man did but it was still painful, especially since it was the same cheek that was hit before. It is not something I'd like to happen to me again if I can help it.

"Why don't you just read my damned name badge, Mr. Collins," I stated angrily, trying to put a mocking tone in my voice as I said his name. I noticed a smirk gracing his lips as he leaned closer to me.

Chained - Cannibalistic loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora