Chapter 13

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Before I know what's happening, I'm pushed through the door and I'm lying on the wooden floor staring up at Ryan. His eyes have become several shades darker, almost black. I try to crawl away from him, but he quickly steps on my ankle stopping me from doing so. I cry out as he applies a little more pressure. Please don't let him break my foot. My heart is racing a mile a minute as I wait for him to punish me. Will he break my foot to stop me from running or will he do something else?

"Please, I'm sorry, please don't break my foot," I whisper out pleadingly. My eyes watering and I stare up at his stormy eyes. If only I had gotten away, then I wouldn't be here right now.

"Don't worry Valerie, I will do no such thing." I almost let out a sigh of relief when he says this and removes his foot from mine. But the relief is short-lived as he pulls me up by my arm and leads me over to the kitchen. I let out a cry in fear and discomfort which he ignores. How can he sound caring yet be so heartless?

My body is forcefully pushed down into a wooden chair at the dining table. I stare up at him with wide eyes as I watch him pull out a large, sharp-looking, knife. I let out a startled cry as he turns to me, a small smirk displayed on his lips but his eyes shining with an unknown emotion. Reluctance? Fear? Conflicting? I opened my mouth again to plead for him to stop, afraid of what he would do to me. But he silences me with a glare before I can do so. I look up at him as he stands right in front of me. There is no way for me to run now, to avoid this punishment. I remain frozen in place as I watch the hand with the knife cautiously.

"I need you to know that I do not take pride in doing this to you." I don't reply yet he keeps watching me. It's a moment later that I realise he's waiting for me to acknowledge what he said so I just give a small nod of my head. I watch as he pulls my chair to the side and moves another to sit in front of me, holding his hand out.

"Give me your arm." I stare at him with wide eyes. What is he going to do to me? I hesitate and this seems to anger him more.

"Give me your damn arm Valerie!" He growls out. This time I don't hesitate and slowly I give him my right arm. Being left-handed I'd prefer him to do something to my right hand so at least I can still do most things.

I remain stiff as I watch him take the knife and place the blade lightly on the skin of my upper arm, not cutting. Yet. I let my wide eyes trail over to his, silently pleading for him to stop.

"Valerie, I need you to learn this is your home now. With me. You are mine! My wife, my property, and the mother of our future children. I can't have you running off. The outside world is dangerous, and I can't protect you if you're not here with me." I remain sitting still with wide eyes, afraid to move my arm in fear of the knife slicing my arm. Apparently, there was no need for me to fear accidentally slicing my arm, because after a moment Ryan pushed down on the knife, cutting the top layer of my skin. I cry out in pain as I dart my eyes over to the knife while trying to move my left hand to take the knife from his grasp. But I'm stopped by Ryan's glare, a silent warning that it would be much, much worse if I continued with my movement. So, after a moment's hesitation, I dropped my arm back down and instead grabbed onto the arm of the chair in a death grip. Ryan continues dragging the knife for a few more seconds.

"Lesson one. You will always answer me." I quickly nod my head as I stare at the bloodied wound. He made a shallow cut, one that hurts the most because all the pain receptors are near the surface of the skin, and hopefully, so that it is less likely to show scarring. And then I feel the pain again, this time on my forearm. I let out another pained scream as I plead for him to stop. After several moments of him slowly dragging the knife over my skin he stops. It looks to be about five to seven centimetres long.

"With words." He continues glaring at me.

"I'm sorry, I will answer you with words," I exclaim trying to pull my painful bleeding arm from his grip and treat the wounds.

Chained - Cannibalistic loveWhere stories live. Discover now