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She could immediately tell that something was off with her husband's youngest brother.

No, she's not saying it's bad, but something about his energy is just screaming that something's wrong.

She leaned down against the counter and she smiled at him gently, "Well, Hello there, little fella! Are you okay?" She asked softly.

Branch smiled widely and laughed, falling over as he did.

She gasped softly, "Oh my! Are you alright, dear?"

Branch tilted his head, moving to sit on his knees.

But he still didn't speak to her.


Tiny looked up at her and narrowed his eyes, he's prepared to fight her for Branch's sake.

Branch would do the same for him.

Brandy sighed, "Well, let me ask you this, are you mute?"

Poppy bit her lip, awkwardly glancing between Brandy and the brothers.

"Actually, he's an age regressor. This is farther then he's ever gone before." She said.

Tiny nodded.

Brandy smiled, "Oh! I see, well then, it's no wonder he wasn't speaking to me!"

Poppy frowned, "I'm sorry to cut this short, but with someone literally dying and Branch far back in his mind, we should really get going.."

Brandy nodded, "I agree, I'll see you all later though." She said softly, watching as they all left.

Regressor/Childish BranchWhere stories live. Discover now