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Branch laughed and reached for Viva.

Viva froze in place, examining the greyish blue arms reaching for her.

"Branch..? Branch! CLAY, OH MY GOD! IT'S BRANCH!" She screamed, grabbing Branch and hugging him tight.

Branch wiggled happily as he was lifted off his feet and squeezed by Viva.

Viva laughed happily, she had already caught on that Branch wouldn't be speaking to her for a bit, so she looked around for Poppy, "Branch, where's Poppy?"

Branch pointed to the pink troll and Viva set him down, just as Clay ran over and scooped him back up, "Baby Branch!" He squealed.

Viva ran over to Poppy and quickly began to speak with her, learning about why Branch was acting like this, where Creek was, why they were here.

Clay squeezed Branch so hard he squeaked like a little squeaky toy, but it made him laugh even harder so it made Clay incredibly happy.

As Clay cooed over Branch, Bruce began to explain the situation to him.

Once it had been explained, Clay hugged Branch tighter and paused for a moment, "So..Floyd is being held in an impenetrable diamond prison, and the only thing that can break it is the Perfect Family Harmony?"

When JD nodded, he nodded back, "I'm in. But I'm in charge of the expenses, got it?"

Bruce raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, nobody really cares, man. You do that."

Clay smirked and squeezed Branch again, "Yeah? I think you'll care when I say this; I got dibs on Branch cuddles!"

He watched as the older two froze, silently staring at him.

Branch laughed as Clay held him a bit tighter.

After a long while, they all regrouped and got ready to go, even Viva had agreed to come!

Which was making Clay freak out, but nobody was mentioning it so he was thankful for that.

Then they all climbed into Rhonda and the journey continued again.

Regressor/Childish BranchWhere stories live. Discover now