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Thankfully, it didn't take very long to get there.

They split off into groups, Viva, Poppy, and Branch, then John Dory, Bruce, and Clay.

The boys decided to stay in Rhonda so if they needed to then they could make a quick getaway.

JD had to hold onto Tiny as the other group left.

The other group climbed up the side of the building.

Viva wasn't sure Branch should be with them in his current mindset, but he looked ready to throw a fit when she tried to argue against him coming.

Even Poppy had told her that Branch should come along, he knew what Floyd looked like, and sure, they'd seen pictures, but Branch has Floyd's face permanently ingrained in his mind, he'll be more likely to be able to point out Floyd.

As they reached the top, Branch seemed incredibly happy as he jumped in and threw cotton candy down into the fan.

Viva screamed and quickly jumped after him, followed by Poppy who laughed.

To Viva's relief, the fan stopped before they reached it and they fell into the ventilation system.

As Poppy burned the power cords, Branch nervously stood behind her and Viva hugged him tight.

When the power went out, they walked through the vents, looking through every opening they come across.

After a little while, they came across a dressing room.

The sisters couldn't really see anything, but apparently their baby brother had.

Branch dropped down and ran towards the perfume bottle, "Mama!"

Floyd looked up sluggishly, but as soon as he saw Branch he was on his feet and pressing himself against the glass, "Branch! Is it really you?" He asked.

Branch nodded, looking like he was about to cry, "Mama..." he whimpered, looking at Floyd's feet.

Floyd looked down and saw his slowly crystalizing feet, "Hey, hey..look at me, baby, look at me.."

Branch looked up.

Floyd smiled, "There we go, there's my beautiful boy...listen to me, okay? You need to get out of here. You need to get the others, you can't do this alone!"

"He's not alone." Viva said, dropping down behind Branch as Poppy quickly followed her.

"And we're not alone either. Your other brothers are waiting for us!" Poppy said.

Branch nodded, "Yeah! You're safe!"

Floyd chuckled as he sat down, "Thanks, buddy..I knew I could count on you, hm?"

Branch smiled and nodded, "Yeah!"

Then they heard footsteps and loud voices coming from the hall, "Get out of here! All of you, if you want ANY chance at saving me, then you need to leave me behind."

Branch frowned and stood in place, "Not without you."

Viva bit her lip, Floyd is right, they won't be able to save him if they stay and get captured, "Poppy, grab Branch then hold onto me."

Poppy nodded and grabbed Branch around his waist as Viva flung her sticky hand up to the vent.

Once Poppy grabbed her, she jumped and they went into the vent, just as the door opened.

The twins walked in with Rhonda.

Branch gasped, "No, Rhonda! My brothers!" He whimpered, trying to slide through the vent.

Regressor/Childish BranchWhere stories live. Discover now