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Y/N's POV,

I woke up, feeling a ray of sun hit my face. I groaned and sat up, looking around. It was a white room, probably bigger than my room and half our house combined.

We lived in a quite moderately-sized house, so that was saying a lot. I was about to get up from the bed when a huge hand grabbed my waist and yanked me back to the bed.

"Oh!" I gasped and struggled to move but the person spooning me was way to powerful.

"Damien- let me go-!" I finally shouted and the man stopped moving.

"Face me." A different voice was heard, and I slowly turned around to see the same man from last night with dirty blonde hair and handsome features.

It was Andrew.

"Princess, my name is Andrew. And I don't want to hear that bastard's name from your mouth." He growls. I kept mum, not knowing what to do and what I'm going to say.

As I stared at him, memories flooded back into my mind and my eyes brimmed with a fresh batch of tears.

"Do you want to eat breakfast?" Andrew hums as he pulled me from the sheets and carried me from the bed.

We were walking quietly when we saw maids peacefully scrubbing the stairs, they weren't able to see Andrew with me in his arms walking towards them, when a maid failed to see Andrew, he suddenly kicks her face with full force and she tumbled down the stairs.

"Andrew!" I shouted and tried to pull myself away from him but he tightened his grip on me.

"Filthy bitch." I heard him whisper under his breath and continued to walk down the stairs. The other maids rushed to help the poor girl whose forehead was bleeding excessively.

"You have to help her, Andrew." I sobbed.

"She'll be alright, baby, don't worry." He grins as he steps over a small pool of blood and frowns at the sight.

"I'm sorry, señor, please forgive me." The maid with a bloody forehead grabs a towel from her pocket shakily and started to wipe his feet.

Andrew was disgusted by the sight but he merely pulls his feet away from her and grabbed a chair from the table and sat me down into it.

A few maids then placed a variety of food into my plate as Andrew sat on his seat as well.

"Dov, where's my brother and Leona? I think my Princess would love to eat with them."

"I'll call them, sir."

"Go on, then." He says in a commanding voice. The butler bows and walks out of the dining hall immediately.

I stared at my fingers and ignored the food, making Andrew move his eyes to me and he clicked his tongue.

"Princess. You have to eat." He tells me.

"I'm not hungry." I whispered in a low voice, thoughts of the poor maid and the blood running through her head still in my mind.

"And why is that?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Because you are a sadistic person and I don't know you and I never want to, so let me go." I finally snapped in a loud voice I didn't know I had.

Suddenly I felt my face swerve to the side as a cold hand finds its way into my cheek. Andrew suddenly grabs my jaw and inserted the spoon into my mouth, feeding me forcefully.

I couldn't react and was forced to push down the food that he was shoving in my face.

"You ungrateful little bitch, you wanted to be saved from Huxley, right? And I did just that, I took you away from him, and now you don't want all of this?" He rambled in an angry voice.

"O-oh!" I groaned as he pulls my hair down forcefully making me move my head upward as he made me drink a glass of cranberry juice.

After eating everything he made me eat, I sat in silence with tears rolling down my eyes as he finishes his food as well.

I tried to cry as quietly as I possibly can yet a few hiccups escaped my mouth. I didn't know why life had to be this terrible to me as I hadn't don anything wrong in my life.

I was kind and nice to everyone. I didn't get out of my way to be mean to anyone, even if they deserved it. But why did this have to happen to me?

My mom... my dad.. are they still alive? Did Damien really not hurt them? I hope he kept his promise...

"Damien, where's my mom? my dad?" I sobbed as he cocked his gun to shoot Andrei again.

"I promise you, my love. No matter how much I want to punish you badly. I would not hurt them."

I wiped my tears with the back of my hand as Andrei and Leona arrived.

Andrei looked poised and proper, like a real man, and I tore my eyes off them, remembering how they tricked me.

"Good morning, brother. How's sweet little Y/N?" He suddenly says with the gay voice he used when we hang out together, which made me grit my teeth even more in anger.

"Stop it, Drei." Leona told him in a low voice.

"Anyway, Y/N," Drei says in the normal voice I still haven't even got used to, "How's Andrew so far, Y/N?" He looks at me intently.

Andrew silently stares at me and places his hand on my thigh, squeezing it gently.

"Well," I said in a bubble of anger. "He makes me feel terrible, he is a sadistic person and I don't like this place at all." I said in a shaky voice and I winced as he tightens his grip on my thigh.

Andrei was laughing and Leona sighed and shakes her head.

Andrew suddenly grabs me and drags me with him back to our room.

"You sound so brave, princess. How about I make you feel something less terrible?"


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