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"But I don't want to go anywhere. I have to go back to my parents." I told Andrei. Leona was sitting behind us, and she whipped out what looked like a wig that had the same length, style and color as mine. She then removes her coat and reveals the clothes she was wearing, a perfect replica of my clothes.

"Okay, I don't know where the heck you get all of this but- WHY?!" I shouted.

"Distraction. You'll see." Leona says.

As soon as the car stopped at the sea port, a bunch of men dragged Leona with her face hidden on her bushy wig, and I was forced inside a medium sized box.

Before they pushed my head down, I saw they Leona was dragged towards a huge ship and finally I was closed on the box. I could feel the box getting lifted, and I was placed on a moving trolley. The trolley then was pushed towards the unknown.

I was holding back tears, I absolutely hated to be here. After a few minutes, the box was placed on solid ground and I could lightly feel the ground beneath me slowly sway, as if I was on a swing.

I hesitantly opened the box and stood up, realizing that I was in a room, AT A SHIP.

I suddenly saw Andrew walk in with a bullet on the left side of his waist, and he was grimacing weakly. I also remembered the bullet on his feet. Yet he wasn't limping much, I guess he was used to all this.

He took one look at me and sighed in relief.

"Angel. You're here."

He grabbed ahold of the back of my head and harshly pressed his bloody lip on mine, forcing me to taste the metal-like blood. "You taste lovely." He says as he released me.

I tried to walk out of the door yet he stopped me, placing his hand infront of my chest, stopping me from leaving.

"Ah, ah, ah." He shook his head. "I don't care if your ex boyfriend found you today. He failed to get you, didn't he? He's a pain in my fucking ass." He groans and calls for the ship medic using his phone.

"How did you even manage to escape from him?"

"Simple. I prepared an ambush. Half of all my fucking men are out there, trying to kill that bastard. I hope they succeed." After hearing that, I could feel a chill run down my spine, somehow the thought scares me.

"I have to go back to my family, Andrew. You don't understand how important they are to me." I pleaded at him.

"Fuck them." He glares at me. "I'm not risking any more fucking men to get your stupid fuckers. All I need is you."

"Well you are sick! Let me out of here!" I slammed my fists on the door as he held me back.

"Shut the fuck up!" He grabs me and throws me on the bed, my back hitting the bedpost roughly. I groaned and he ties me up to the board.

"Ungrateful little girl." He drawls and slaps his hand on my face repeatedly. "I'm gonna make sure you learn to shut the fuck up."

"We are going to Florida and there's no one that will help you."


Damien's POV,

"Carro, get your fucking ass by this mall. I want you to find and kill the remaining men of fucking Andrew Calvin. I don't know where the fuck they're hiding, I just want you to find them, torture them so they give us information about their base and get my FUCKING WIFE BACK TO ITALY." I finally lost my temper.

"Show me the cameras, Lejandro." I tell them.

"Yes, Damien. So this car was where Y/N was taken, it leads to the Bailey Sea Port, and they're dragging Y/N to a ship that goes to South Korea." He says.

I scoffed. "That's not fucking Y/N." I said.

"What do you mean? It's exactly Y/N. You just can't see her face because her hair covers it but the clothes and her hair is exactly the same."

"It's not fucking Y/N." I leaned back on my chair and sighed.

"Okay. Well they take out some cargo, I guess it's drug dealing, but they're taking these boxes to Florida, probably a dealership with Varrou Devoun."

"Let's go. Trace the fucking ship." I told him as we finally arrived at the sea port.

"But Damien- Y/N was in the ship headed for South Korea-"

"You dumb fuck, Lejandro. You're one of my smartest man and you just proved to be a dumb fucker." I told him.

"Do you see that red car? That belongs to Andrew Calvin, and we saw that car when they pulled up on the mall. One of the boxes in the trolley has a stain of blood on one side, which means that he's in one of those cargo and Y/N is on the other. We've been tracing activity concerning property in Florida, Andrew Calvin bought a place there. Not in South Korea. Don't you fucking get it?" I said as I stood up from the car and watched the ship to Florida sail away.

"Should we contact Mr. Devoun right now?" Jace asks. "He is the head of Floridian Mafia after all."


"Go ahead. Varrou is one of my trusted pigs. He won't let me down."

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