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Y/N's POV,

I fumed as they both left me alone. Leona tried to console me, yet I simply ignored her, and they both went away. I stared at the white walls surrounding the room and sighed. I wanted to be set free from all of this bullshit. I hated this life.

Suddenly, the door slammed open and a very frustrated-looking Andrew went inside.

He grabbed my chin and I immediately flinched, looking away from him. "Look at me, sweetheart." He says in a cold tone.

"Let me go, Andrew." I huffed. I hated his presence and I wanted to leave right away.

"Why don't you stop resisting? Today we are leaving the country. I can't risk having that fucker seeing you again." He said promptly. I knew who he meant, it was Damien.

"I have to save my parents, there's no way I'm leaving them!" I shouted at him.

"Well you fucking can't. I'll get them for you once I kill him, for now, it's way too dangerous, love." 

"I don't want to be with you!"

"Surprise, surprise. You can't do anything about it. And we have to go shopping before we leave." He says while dragging me out.

"I've made us a home in Florida, and that's where we'll stay for the rest of our lives."

"FLO- FLORIDA? Are you out of your mind? No!" I screamed frantically. Suddenly Andrew flips around and I was thrown back at the smack he delivered to my face. I was petrified.

I gasped and whimpered, drawing back, I could feel blood drip from my lip.

"Aww, I'm sorry, darling." He smiled sadistically. "Did that hurt, huh?"

I kept mum and looked down, I couldn't say a word anymore, he might hurt me again.

"Good." He smirked and we suddenly passed by a half naked girl who was staring at him in a seductive way.

Andrew smirked and reached out to touch her private part right in front od me and I almost vomited.

"You're fired, slut. I don't think I'll be needing you anymore once I marry my little angel." He says and suddenly pulls his hand away.

I heard the girl scream in pain and I realized that he pinched her pussy harshly.

"Oh- Oh my gosh- are you okay?" I asked, trying to pull away from his touch.

I tried to reach for the girl but she pushed my hand away and screamed at me.

"You fucking bitch!" She exclaims.

Andrew suddenly stops and whirled back at her, delivering a hard punch on her face. "Don't fucking talk to my angel like that."

The girl fell on the floor, she was unconscious and blood dripped down her nose.

"Marisa!" Another extremely petite girl rushed and kneeled infront of the unconscious lady.

"You. What's your name again? Becca? Betty? I don't give a fuck. Pack your stuff and fucking leave. Tell the other girl." Andrew says as I stared, horrified. I couldn't believe I saw all that monstrosity.

"It's Bella, Andrew." She hissed at him.

He scoffs and dragged me away from that hallway, and out into the hot sun. He led me into a quite luxurious car and the driver drove us to our destination, a beautiful mall.

"Here we are, love. Now get any clothes you want with this card. I'll be buying our engagement rings. I got my eye on you." He reminds me. I gulped and nodded, barely looking at him in the eye. I walked around the place and picked out some clothes that I liked, sweaters and nice pants.

I missed my parents. As I rammed my hands into the pockets of the cargo pants I was wearing, I suddenly felt my phone.

Shit! I still have my phone!

I thanked God mentally and realized I had no charger.

The phone I used was an extremely old and crappy samsung, the one that used the universal type.

I looked around frantically and ran towards the electronic store.

"M-miss do you have any chargers for this phone?" I asked them in a hurry, and the clerk shook her head and said,

"I'm sorry miss but that type of charger is just so outdated that we've stopped selling them. Why don't you buy a new iphone? You see this Iphone eleven is quite cheap now, to be honest at only-"

"No, no I'm sorry but I- I cant buy-"

I then looked at Andrew's credit card.

"Well... if I buy this new phone can i transfer my old sim card in it?" I asked, feeling like a dumb person. I don't know much about phones and all. I had my own  phone passed down from my mum 5 years ago.

"Of course! I'll help you with that."

She took the card and made me choose the color of the phone I wanted.

"White, please." I say.

"That would be 500 dollars."

My jaw dropped. "500? For a phone?" I asked.

She nods and rolls her eyes, laughing in amusement.

I gulped and nodded slowly, wondering if Andrew will kill me for cashing out his credit card.

"Is the card fine, miss? Have I run out of money?"

"No, your card doesn't have a limit."

"Are you sure?" I asked again.

She nodded.

Wow. I really could buy anything.

"Oh the iphone 15 is really wonderful. " She says. "I keep on taking selfies with the sample model." She added.

"Well why don't you buy one?" I asked her.

"Are you kidding? It's like two thousand dollars. And more."

"I'll get it for you. Just fix my phone up real quick." I said to her.

"Are you serious?"

I nodded and she squealed happily.

I waited as she finished everything and my phone was all set. I walked towards the bathroom.

I opened contacts and didn't dial my mom's new phone number. Damien had that.

Instead, I called her key pad, the old phone she keeps for emergencies. Please answer mom, please.

"Hello?" I heard my mom's worried voice call out.


"Hi mother. She's with me." A chilling voice said as someone grabbed the phone from my hands and pinned me to the wall.

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