mer eclipse x fem reader p 4 ☆end!☆

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He moved closer you flinched. But didnt move away... is it realy him?... he didnt have 4 eyes... but he looked so fammiliar to your eclipse...
He emarged from the water and you gasped trying to crawl back..

He was much bigger...but not huge...not like the mers from before... he was 16 foot long with the tail...extra fins surrounded his head... actually more fins were around his body now... he had 4 arms.. with sharp claws...
He's all body was covered in shades of black orange and red...

You flinched away when he came closer.. yet he didnt stop.. your back hit the cave wall and you pressed your body to the wall as far away from the creature... he raised a clawed hand to your face you held your breathe shaking and squeezed your eyes shot...
You shook even more when you felt he's claw running down youf jaw line..and getting a grip on your chin..
He slowly lifted your head..

"Open your eyes.."
He's voice was deep a bit raspy... but soft.. he had softness in he's tone..not demanding..nor firm... you took a shaky breath and slowly opened your eyes... he looked deep into your eyes.. he's 4 eyes focusing on your two own... you looked up at him and shrank... looking into he's eyes with big fearful teary eyes.. you felt so hopeless and scared... but he looked so much like your.....

Maybe you should accapt already that you never gonna...

See h-


You blinked... no way! No FRICKING WAY!! OMG! O-M-G!!
Its actually him! Uts actually him! He remembered your name!!
You couldnt help but weakly smile..
"E-eclipse.." tears falling on your cheek once again...
He slowly smiled as well.. " it realy you?..." he asked softly..
You slowly put your shaky hand over he's that caressed your cheek...
"...Y-yes...are you r-realy m-my eclipse?..." he's smile got wider
"I forgot how you used to call me that..." he laughed quietly you giggled as you leand into he's touch with a sniffle... closing your eyes...

You suddenly yelped as you felt your self being picked up... he sat you on he's lap and snuggled close to you.. holding your body close to he's... he then held your hand up...
"...Your still wearing it..." you chuckled and burried your face in he's chest.. "never got it off.." you burried your face deeper in he's chest as another sniffle escaped your mouth..  he slowly held your chin again and raised your face...
You smiled up to him...
"Your all grown up now huh?..." you said softly he chuckled...
He then sadly looked at the rest of your body... "what...happend to you..." he said looking sad at your bruised arms and legs... and your torn shyly turned away..."I-I... remember..the bad ppl..I told you about....." you heard a low growl from he's chest and shrank a bit... "but...theyre from your kind! How?...why...?..." you looked away.. "bad ppl are bad ppl...they dont realy care..."
"But I dont..understand...what did they want from you?.."
" found..some stuff... that proves that you were with me for a while... a-and they thought.. if they could get me they could get"
You heard another low growl from he's chest...
"Dont worry.. I will take care of you..just like you took care of me..."
"T-thak you..." you said quietly..
He chuckled againg and started carring you bridle styel.. "of course!.. its only fair! We'll take care of your injuries first... then I'd like you to meet someone~"  you slightly blushed...
you shyly looked away as he got into the water..
You flinched and held on to him..

"Its ok, dont worry.."
He looked down at you and smiled softly.. you smiled back...
"S-so.. u-umm how were you.. k-know... how did you find this place? did you manage to find your kind?.."
You wonder if he missed you like you did him.. or you were just being a drama queen this whole time...
"Well, at first I was completly lost... but thankes to you I knew how to hunt.. so I didnt starve to death..
I wanted to go back... so many times.. but I promised... and then I lost the scent of your house completly..  I felt all alone.. your gift was the only thing that kept me going... reminding me of you..."
He went silent for a moment.. then continued speaking... "It was like that for days.. maybe monthes.. I tried to go back.. but didnt know how.." you looked into the water..
"I'm was the only way..."
He smiled a soft smile at you..
"Please dont appologize.. I know it was the right thing.. but it all got better for me!
One day I found two realy special mers... and they helped me out!.. we became realy close friends... and they took me here.. to the rest of my kind...But I could never forget you...your beautiful smile stayed in my mind..till this day.. and now that I can finally see it again... its a lot more beautiful.."you quickly  looked away.. your ceeks are pink.. "t-thank...but your a lot more beautiful then me! You'v gone much prittier too!!" He's smile widened and he's eyelids were half closed.. he nuzzled he's nose at the top of my head.. "I missed you dearly..." he said quietly.. and I could feel my heart quickens..and my face heating up... whats going on!? Why am I reacting like this?? We finally got to our destination I assumed..

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