sun/moon x reader

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You excitedly put your diving gear on, the guider helps everyone pu theirs on, you breathe in the salty air, smiling excitedly at the sea.. you always wanted to dive, and now its finally your chance! Especialy at this part of the beach! And luckily you found a guid that could help you through it. You and 5 more people, making you a group of 6, a cute young couple, a kid with his older brother And a lady that looks like in her late forties.

The guid is just some dude who looks bored out of his mind for some reason, whats boring at working in literal diving?? And why work in it if ya dont like it?!?

After a while you finally get into the water.. you dive towards a colorfull coral... you pass by a coulple of groups of fish.. everything so colorful and pretty! You look around you with amazement!enjoying the sensation of water on your skin in the exposed parts of the suit, your hair is flowing around your head as you dive further.. the guid explains and tells facts about that and that, talking abot random fish and colorfull crabs.

The lady suddenly gasps "oh my god! Look over there!" She points at a specific diraction, you all whip your head to that diraction to freez, your eyes widen.. its a mer! Omg its a mer! Mers were a very common thing to find,some of them are very dangerous though, and some are less.. you remember that you learned how to aproach a mer safely, you need to show it respect, and not show signs that your scared, mers are very intelegent!

You look at the group, the guid looks paniced as the others look a bit scared.. not knowing what to do, you lok back at the mer.. oh.. he looks a bit irritated.. shit.

You slowly aproach, the guid shouts at you but you dont listen, everyone is frozen watching you with wide eyes, the mer eyes you curiously, his red eyes nerrowed. When you aproach it, your carefull, doing slow moves, showing no fear, also showing off your hands, your not holding a weapon, when your infront of the mer, you look down, bowing your head, and holding up a braclet you had in that moment, a friendship offering, its a yellow bracelet, with a little red flower, you made it yourself, it was an old thing anyays.

You wait and wait.. welp.. if he doesnt exapts it you need to back away.. you slowly start to back away, only to freeze when you feel a big clawd hand take a gentle hold if yours, you dont move.. the hand still holds your hand, while another one takes the bracelet.. you slowly look up to see the mer staring at you, holding your hand in one hand, and with the other your little gift, you offer a giant smile, slowly tryinv to get your hand, the mer slowly smiles as well, though not letting go..ok then.

You slowly turn around, still holding hands with the mer... where...oh shit.. those fucking basterds left you! Cowards! You groan.. looking back at the mer... he has a smug grin on his face.. seem proud of himself. "Seriously?" You say while raising an eyebrow, the mer does a series of clicks and chirps, that almost sounds like a chuckle, you smile.

He suddenly starts leading you somewhere, still holding your hand, "ook then! Guess I'm coming with you then. Your the boss!" The mer chirps at you something back, still holding your hand while swimming somewhere, a bit slowly, "by the way! My name is y/n, whats yours?" You ask, the mer turnes its head at you coos and then keeps swimming.. "hhmm.. I dont think I can say that actually.." you try to make the sound that he did, and giggke when it comes out nothing like his coo, the mer also chuckle with you, doing a short series of chirps and coos, not looking back at you. "Are you ok if I'll give you a name?... or a nickname?" He briefly looks back at you and chirps "ok.... how about.... star?" A small purr then he shakes his head "mr. Bubbles!" You say with sparkles in your eyes, he stops, slowly turns to you with a deadpan look, "oh comeon! Its cute!" He rolls his eyes and keeps going, "ok, ok, umm...midnight?....its really pretty and it suits you!" He chirps... hhm..... he does have a crecent moon marking on his face... "moon?.." you try, he looks back at you with another happier chirp, and nods his head, "but isnt it too simple?... its kinda boring too." you say with a huff, he rolls his eyes again with another coo and a chirp, "ok then.. moon it is." You say rolling your eyes, "where are we going anyways?"

You freeze when you suddenly see an enternce for a big cave....ooohh....uumm... you gently tug at your hand, and the mer- ehem.. moon. Halts, looking back at you while tilting his head with a coo. "I-uuuhhh.... uumm.. it.can be dangerous for me..." you say while glancing at the cave, fidgeting with youe diver stuff.. "I'm just.... a bit scared to be honest..." you chuckle awkwardly, his face softens, and a small gentle smile overtakes his face, he sims closer to you, nuzzling your cheekwhile giving you a small side hug, you giggle and hug him back, he chirps and purrs lowly, looking back at you with half lidded eyes,
You huff "alright, fine.. I guess.." you sigh, he perks up, and licks your cheek, you squick, "h-hey!" You giggle, your cheeks dusted pink.. you never thought a mer will shiw you affection.. its known that mers are hard to tame, and very difficult to deal with...

He chirps and drags you inside, you hold onto his hand, swiming closer to him,you cant see a thing.. its so dark, moon chirps, and you see his soft red eyes slightly glow, you offer a wobbly smile, and he purrs, you swim and swim till you make it to a more lit up area, you heave a sigh, but jult when moon suddenly chirps loudly, whisteling like... oh. His calling somebody, wonder who it is.. maybe his mate? Or a sibling? A family memeber? Or maybe just a friend?.... maybe he has a whole pod here.....

You swimed closer to him, hugging his arm... you dont know how a whole pod will react to you being here... in their home...

Your snapped out of your train of thought when a small purr a chip is heard next to your ear, you slowly turn to moon who smiles softly at you.. cooing while nuzzling you, hugging you close against his chest, your body relaxes.. its fine... its fine... moon wont bring you here to hurt you... you think.. you did just meet the guy.... fish guy... you giggle..

Your attention is pulled somewhere else, however, when a whistel is heard back, more highpitched, and happy?.. energetic?..

You suddenly see another mer happily towards you, (how sun looks,idk, too lazy.) He zuddenly halts, staring at you, then looks up at moon, then you back...

Huh... moon.. and sun... he definatly bright like the sun.. he looks cute.

You offer a friendly smile and a wave, the mer chirps loudly, a giant toothy grin overtaks his face as he swims closer, almost carefull not to startle you, he chirps and coos happily, and moon happily replies with low coos and purrs of his own,

(◇◇= sun and moon talking, you cant understand.)

◇OMG! Moonie! Is that?◇
Moon smiles softly at his mate. ◇yes, you wanted a lil friend, I gave you a lil friend, you'll need to take care of them, and be carful!! I checked them, their ok, they understand how to be polite and understand our way, they also offered me a friendship offering, which is nice.◇ he explained calmly, and sun squeeled happily
◇a-and they wont try to run away?... like the others?.. t-they dont look.. afraid?◇
Sun fidgeted with his claws, and moon's smile soften, ◇sunny, you know its not your fault, this one ia different, but, they will have to go to their own nest, out of the water... they cant stay here forever.◇
Sun pouted, with the biggest puppy eyes
◇oh plz plz ppllllzzz! Cant we just keep them? I'll take such good care of them!! I have an air bubble! I'll give them food! I'll even take them out for a swim 3 times a day! Plllzzzz!◇ nmoon huffed while rolling his eyes. ◇Sun-bun, for the last time, humans are not pets, they are as intelegent as us, maybe a bit stiupid at times.....most of the times, but theyre not mindless animals, they will stay only if they want too. Who knows? Maybe you'll convince them. You learnt some of their language. Maybe they'll agree to you.◇ sun chirped happily, clapping his hands, his head whipped to you when he heard your adoarable little giggle.

(Back to your pov.)

You look up to the bright mer... sun.. with a smile he chirps happily at you, he looks like an excited puppy "uumm hi?" You say with a of your head, he coos, "hi friend!" He says happily and you gasp, "you can talk? OMG! That means your a part of those super smart mers! Omg! Moon can you talk too?" You whip your head to look at moon, moon just shrugs "no." He says simply, still holding you from behind "aawww mann.. " you fake pout, you yelp when suddenly sun takes you out of moon's arms and spins you around, hugging you "were gonna have so muc funn!!" You giggle "ok, sun, calm down buddy!" He gasps "I get a name too?? Yeeepeee!" He cheers taking you somewhere, you laugh, guess you have two fishy friends now huh?..


yup,its short, and I'm a lazy ass, and my lazy ass has a movie night with ma cousin AKA bff! So seeya! Love ya guys!🥰🥰

mer sun/moon x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now