Chapter Seven

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**This has not been edited or proofread.**


With some psycho after Farrah, I didn't want to take any chances, especially since I couldn't stick to her like glue. Despite what I wanted, I still had work to do, and I knew I would drive Farrah crazy if I stayed up her butt all the time.

So, at five that morning, I had a good buddy of mine put cameras all around my property. Farrah was still passed out in bed when I walked out of the house that morning to meet Tanner, her snores filling the hallway.

That girl needed some sleep, and thankfully, last night she didn't have any nightmares. I was a bit worried they would have come back after seeing that article, but maybe she was just too exhausted to dream much of anything.

"Thought you hated being spied on," Tanner commented when I handed him a cup of coffee.

I grunted and took a sip of mine, breathing in the crisp, autumn air. It was cool this morning, and by the temperature, I knew Winter was going to hit us with a vengeance.

"Got some things going on," I told him evasively, but of course, the nosy people in our small town couldn't take a freaking hint.

"This because of Farrah?" he asked me.

I cut him a look that had him grinning into his coffee. "You one of the women now?" I asked him. "Stop looking for gossip, Tanner. Come on so I can show you where I want all these cameras at."

We loaded up onto the Gator, and I drove him around the property. He marked each place with a flag. Farrah was sitting on a rocking chair when we drove back up to the house, a mug of steaming coffee in her hands, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

God, she looked perfect sitting on my porch like that. She belonged there.

Tanner let out a low whistle. "You know how lucky you are, Grayson?"

"Sure do," I told him, meaning that. "Get to work and stop ogling my woman," I ordered as Chase pulled up in front of my house.

Tanner grinned at me. "Your woman?"

"Yes, his woman," Chase glowered. "Keep your eyes off my little sister, Tanner. Don't you have work to do?"

"Jesus," Tanner muttered under his breath. "I would've thought your pretty wife would have softened you up a bit."

Chase scowled at him. I walked up the porch and leaned down, dropping a kiss to Farrah's lips. "You ate yet?"

"No," Chase said.

Farrah laughed as I glowered at my best friend. "Don't think I was asking you."

He grunted. "Doesn't matter. I'm answering anyway. What's for breakfast?"

Farrah giggled and stood up, walking inside. "Doesn't my sister-in-law feed you?"

Chase sighed. "She was still asleep this morning when I left. I didn't want to bother her. I grabbed some coffee and headed over here before I start my shift at seven."

Chase had never gotten off his military schedule. He was always an early riser and one of the last to fall asleep. But he was doing better than he had been we'd come home a few years ago. Back then, he couldn't sleep at all.

I pulled out some pans. Farrah moved to help me, but I just gripped her shoulders and steered her back towards a stool at the bar, giving her a look that told her to just sit down. She smiled at me before taking a sip of her coffee.

"He cooks for you?" Chase teased her, taking a jab at me.

She cut him a look that had me smirking. "Don't even go there, Chase. Anyone told you how annoying you can be?"

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