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**This has not been edited or proofread.**


Meredith squealed when I stepped out of the bathroom, holding up my two positive pregnancy tests. I'd been feeling out of sorts for a couple of weeks now, but after I woke up vomiting pretty badly this morning, I'd called Meredith to bring me some medicine.

Instead, she'd brought me saltine crackers and a box of pregnancy tests, and then basically shoved me into the bathroom.

I laughed softly, tears springing to my eyes. "I'm pregnant," I said softly, not really believing it yet.

She wrapped me up in a hug, and I cried into her shoulder. After we separated, I quickly wiped my tears away and drew in a deep breath. "We should go into town," she told me. "I'll text Chase to keep Grayson distracted while we're gone. We need to surprise your husband with this."

I giggled and then gagged. I quickly rushed back into the bathroom to empty my already mostly empty stomach.


Meredith climbed onto the gentlest horse Grayson owned as I climbed up onto Vern. Once Grayson found out I was pregnant, he was very likely to rip me a new one for riding such a wild horse, but he'd live. I knew Vern would never hurt me.

"You ready?" I asked Meredith as I led Vern out of stall.

She nodded and followed me out of the barn and down to the south field where the guys were at repairing a fence. I knew Grayson well enough to know he'd probably chewed Chase out ten times, but I also knew Chase well enough to know that he had threatened to shove the fencing up Grayson's butt numerous times if he didn't shut up and accept the help.

They were both one of a kind, I swear.

I trotted up behind Grayson, the confetti popper already aimed at his back, and I fired it, laughing as I did so. He swung around, cursing as he did so, and his eyes widened when he saw the blue and pink confetti floating down around him.

Chase was able to speak before Grayson could. "You're pregnant?" my older brother asked me.

I laughed and nodded, dismounting from Vern. Grayson swept me up into a hug, his lips meeting mine in a hungry, soul-devouring kiss. Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I sobbed when he lowered to one knee in front of me and laid his forehead against my belly, cradling my hips as he did so.

Finally, he looked up at me. "I love you," he rasped.

I dropped to my knees in front of him and swept him into my arms, angling my head to kiss him again.

Running to You: Small Town RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now