Chapter Thirteen

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**This has not been edited or proofread.**


Grayson grabbed my face in his hands. "Look at me, baby girl." I snapped my eyes up to his, my heart knocking hard inside my chest. "Breathe, you hear me? Just breathe. It's going to be okay. He can't hurt you in there. Just get through these next few hours, and he'll get put away, and you can push all of this behind you."

I jerkily nodded my head and dragged in a deep breath, wishing I could steady my nerves. Grayson pressed a soft kiss to my lips. "Come on. Let's get you in there, okay? If you ever feel nervous, just turn and look at me. My strength is yours – always."

"Thank you," I whispered hoarsely.

He pressed a kiss to my forehead. "I love you, Farrah."

I smiled, relaxing a little at those words. "I love you, too," I whispered.


I had to be called up to the stand twice for the sound of it reached through the haze in my brain. I slowly stood and walked over to the officer. After placing my hand on the Bible and swearing to tell the truth, I stepped into the stand, my eyes finding Grayson's.

My heart rate calmed a little.

The cross examination started out easy. He asked me simple questions, and I relaxed in my seat as I began to answer Frank Barnes's attorney.

Then, the question got a bit harder.

"So, you're telling me that you were interfering with a man and his horse?" The attorney asked me.

I clenched my jaw. "He was abusing the horse, sir," I told him, standing my ground on that.

"And you threw a rock at him?"

I tilted my chin up defiantly. "Yes, I did," I confirmed.

"What made you so sure that this is the man that set all of those fires?"

I arched an eyebrow at him, my temper getting the best of me. "Are you telling me that you haven't looked at the police reports?" I demanded. "This entire thing has been public knowledge, so even if you hadn't, you could easily read a newspaper or look at the news." The attorney glared at me, a silent warning for me to shut my mouth, but I wasn't done. "A young child doesn't forget a man like that for one, especially someone like me who has such a huge love of animals. I'm a Veterinarian, for God's sake. Also, he was stupid and decided to wear the same pair of shoes everywhere. Easy boot match when he was taken into custody. And then the way your client decided to yell and shout about me in my sister-in-law's coffee shop when she was arrested really gave him away."

With that, I crossed my arms over my chest. The judge slammed his gavel, bringing order back to the room. "You, young lady, back to your seat. Cross examination over."

"The jury would like to convene now," a man spoke up as I walked back to my seat, my chin held high.

Grayson's eyes met mine, and his lips twitched with a smirk. I blew out a soft breath before I took my seat next to the attorney.

We took a break, and I sat beside Grayson as we waited for court to be brought back into session. It didn't take as long as I thought it would. Even Chase said it was a heck of a lot quicker than he was used to.

Once everyone was seated and the judge came back out into the room, the best news ever reached my ears.

"Jury, what conclusion have you come to?" the judge asked.

The same man from before stood, clearing his throat. "Your honor, we find the defendant guilty of all charges."

Frank exploded, but two officers rushed over, silencing him. The judge looked at him. "Frank Barnes, you are found guilty of four counts of arson, two counts of attempted murder, five counts of trespassing, and four counts of criminal destruction of property to the second degree. You are sentenced thirty to life with no chance of parole."

He slammed his gavel down, adjourning court. I rushed to Grayson, and he instantly wrapped me up in his arms, leaning down to plant a kiss on my lips. "You did it, baby girl. I'm so proud of you."

I snuggled closer to him, thankful that we could finally put this nightmare behind us.

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