Chapter Fifteen

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**This has not been edited or proofread.**


Today was the day.

After I'd asked Farrah to marry me, she'd gotten to work on the wedding. According to her, we had wasted enough time.

I just kept my mouth shut and went along for the ride because, honestly, I agreed with her.

But man, was I glad it was about to be over. The wedding planning had been exhausting.

"You good, bro?" Chase asked as he stepped into the room I was getting ready in.

I blew out a soft breath. "I'm ready, but I'm nervous. Is that normal?"

Chase laughed. "It's normal," he assured me. "But I promise Farrah isn't going to run out of the church on you. My little sister is so excited that she's about to take charge of this wedding herself and screw tradition."

I barked out a laugh, relaxing at the image because it was something I could picture Farrah doing. She was a work of art and definitely one-of-a-kind.

"Come on," Chase said, holding the door open for me. "Let's get this show on the road so I can eat some food."

I snorted as I walked past him. "You and your sister are way too much alike."

Chase just grinned and clapped me on the back.


Farrah was beautiful.

Her dress was an off-white color done in intricate details of lace that suited her personality perfectly. A tiara of white flowers adorned her head, and her hair fell in soft waves down her back.

Tears blurred my vision, and I reached up to swipe them away, not wanting the view of my bride to be obstructed at all.

She laughed a little, a tear sliding down her cheek as she reached me. "Are you crying?" she asked me softly.

I nodded. "You look beautiful, baby girl."

She placed her hand in mine, and I smiled at her father. He nodded once to me before going to sit by his wife, both of them wearing huge smiles on their faces. I wished my own mom could be here, but she couldn't so I had two separate photographers – one to record videos and take pictures, and the other to FaceTime this for my mom to see live.

I only had eyes for my stunning bride as we waited for the minister to finish speaking. Then, we said our vows and exchanged rings.

It all seemed to be happening so slowly.

But finally, those blessed words reached my ears.

"You may now kiss your bride."

I swept my wife into my arms, bent her backwards, and pressed my lips to hers. Cheer rang out around us, but for me, Farrah was the only person who existed.

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