Chapter 3 part 2

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One thing that bothered Nimbus was the fact that Sir Lonios wasn't training him in the use of any weapons, nor did he inform him about their destination. Lonios only demanded that he fulfill his tasks and told him stories of his exploits. According to his calculations, today was already the seventh day of their journey, and it was time to stop and set up camp. Fortunately, there were leftovers from the previous day's hunt, a large and fat rabbit, so at least there wouldn't be dried meat that night. When Lonios asked Nimbus to choose a spot to set up camp, he carefully observed the road and what lay ahead:

— There's a big tree over there; it will be easy to set up the tent underneath it. I'll get everything ready. — Nimbus calmly directed his horse toward the tree, not even waiting for a word of approval from his master.

When he arrived, the boy skillfully unsaddled the horses, set up the tent, and then went around looking for firewood. After the fire was burning, he sat on his saddle and rested for a while. It was then that Lonios called him, standing and waiting for him next to the tent.

— I think now that you're used to riding, we can start your training. — The knight leaned on two swords.

— Really, master? All right! Let's do it then! — Nimbus smiled broadly and eagerly awaited his instructor's further instructions.

Lonios chuckled:

— Don't expect it to be easy, but I bet you were looking forward to this. I couldn't start your training at your home because it would have to be interrupted until you got used to the journey.

— Let's begin!

— I love your enthusiasm, Nimbus.

— Now, let's get acquainted with the weapon you're going to use. — He thrust the swords into the ground and picked up a very large sword, about four feet in length, which he wore sheathed on his waist, alongside the wrapped sword.

— This is a Longsword, or Two-Handed Sword, as some might call it. I specialize in using weapons like this. It's not too heavy, but due to its size, you should wield it with both hands. Like this. — He held the sword with his right hand near the blade and his left hand near the end of the hilt. Nimbus noticed that the hilt was longer than the man's two hands together.

— See how I hold it? This is the correct way to use it. — Then he positioned himself diagonally to Nimbus, with the left leg in front and the right one behind, the sword pointing to the sky, parallel to his body.

— See? This is the combat stance. Stand a bit sideways to your opponent; this position will reduce your silhouette and make it difficult for the enemy to hit you. — The knight advanced toward Nimbus, who, unarmed, only cowered under the imminent attack, and Lonios stopped the blow at the last moment before hitting him.

— See how I moved? Don't lift your feet too much; move them as if dragging them along the ground, so you'll always be firm on the ground in case you're unexpectedly attacked. Of course, during a fight, you'll need to have mobility, and many times you won't be able to follow these rules. There will be moments when you have to attack with only one hand, jump, spin... In short, take advantage of the opportunities that opponents offer us. Many fights are won in those moments.

The knight returned to his initial position and sheathed the sword again, then, after releasing it from the leather belt, handed it to Nimbus.

— Nimbus, this will be your sword. Mine is of better quality, but it differs little from this one here. The dimensions are the same. — The knight held the sheathed weapon with both hands towards Nimbus. The boy approached and took the weapon, swung it and felt its weight, then twirled it in the air and finally grabbed it by the hilt. When he was ready to unsheath it, Lonios stopped him:

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