Chapter 37 Part 3

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Elisis was silent for a moment and nodded.

— I think I can help with the navigation problem — Nimbus said — Jim was studying everything related to commanding a ship and correctly predicted all the maneuvers the captain would make. He can certainly guide us to the continent.

— Your friend from the cleaning crew? — Elisis asked intrigued.

— Exactly.

— Very well, if you say he can, let's hope he can chart a safe escape route. We have to move; it's now or never.

Everyone prepared themselves and ran toward the Pirate Lord's small ship. They knew they would face many difficulties there; most of the crew would be inside, some sleeping, others starting their daily tasks. In the other ship, which was docked adjacent to the Brand and had been defeated by them the day before, was likely infested with hundreds of pirates eager for revenge.

The run was short; soon after leaving the trees, the Pirate Lord emerged from his ship escorted by his guard, the same as the day before, according to the pirates Valeros had eliminated, the best warriors among the pirates. They had lost the element of surprise. When they noticed they were leaving the pirate ship, the group slowed down a bit, but they were soon urged to move faster. At the same time, the Pirate Lord ordered bells to be rung, and a little before Elisis and everyone else reached halfway to the docks, several pirates started coming out of the ships, more than Nimbus could count. Nevertheless, they continued running bravely, while the pirates organized themselves. That's when the two groups collided right at the entrance to the pirate docks.

A little earlier, Elisis and some officers armed with bows and arrows had hit several pirates, but not enough to make them retreat, and the battle began fiercely. Pirates and inexperienced officers were all fighting for their lives. A bit away from the fight, Elisis, Pola, and five archers kept shooting at the pirates who were trying to distance themselves from the others.

Lonios immediately sought the Pirate Lord in the heat of battle, and Nimbus followed suit. The headache and eye pain were intense; he could barely avoid the pirates' blows while keeping up with his master.

— Master, I don't know if I can use that again. — Many things were filling his head after all that had happened, and only now did he remember that he had no idea how to use the so-called Curse of Vision.

— Don't worry, it will happen in the heat of battle, it always does. Just get into that same mental state you were in when you first used it, like the meditation I taught you. — Lonios dodged one enemy and impaled another with Indolent.

— So, that meditation you used was for this? — Nimbus dodged a pirate and wounded him in the hand, disarming him, then continued running.

Unlike the fight on the deck where everyone was crowded, here the enemies were well dispersed. It was possible to run among them, avoiding most of them while they were grappling with their allies. It was tempting not to help some ally in trouble, but his goal was well defined: eliminate the Pirate Lord.

— It wasn't exactly for that, but it works too. It's a secret technique of my family. — Once again, Lonios mentioned his family but refused to talk about his past. Why was he revealing a family secret technique?

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