Chapter 37 Part 9

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Nimbus couldn't say anything and just cried. The only father figure he had was about to leave, and he couldn't bear it. Now he understood the suffering Valeros was going through. Knights were like fathers to their apprentices—not biological fathers, but much more important. They were parents who taught and developed their adoptive children. All those who were knights today owed this doctrine to their masters. A father is not the one who makes but the one who raises.

Suddenly, the bells rang, two tolls. What Nimbus feared the most was happening. He was losing the most important person to him, and his enemies were approaching.

— Quickly, help me up. — Lonios ordered.

— But sir — Leonardo intervened.

— Respect the last wishes of a dying man. — Lonios exclaimed. — I may be dying, but I'm still a knight, and knights only take orders from their commander. — He looked at Elisis, who nodded to the doctor.

They lifted him, and he stood there, imposing despite being very ill. He pushed away everyone who was supporting him and stood alone.

— Nimbus, come closer. Before I die, I have to do one last thing. Are you ready? It's time for you to become a knight.

— He can't do that. — Elisis whispered to Nimbus. — It has to be the Grand Leader or a king, or at least a Lord, to proclaim someone a knight. He must be delirious due to his situation, Nimbus.

— What are you waiting for? As I taught you, kneel in front of me.

Without saying a word, Nimbus fulfilled the last wish of his senile master. Seeing him like this made him cry even more; he didn't want to remember Lonios this way.

— Don't judge me; you must think I'm crazy. — Lonios took a ring from a compartment in his overcoat and put it on his finger.

— But this is a Victorious Lords' ring. Where did you... — Valeros stood up from his stretcher, approached, looked fixedly at the ring, and spoke. Lonios interrupted him.

— Nimbus, future knight, do you swear? Always to respect and defend the defenseless. — Lonios drew his sword from the sheath and placed it on Nimbus's shoulder.

Everyone in the room, without exception, kneeled at that moment, heads bowed in respect. Valeros almost fell; he was probably experiencing dizziness from bowing down so quickly.

— Always defend the oppressed against injustice and evil — he touched the sword blade to the other shoulder.

— Always keep your word — and on the other.

— Never refuse a legitimate plea for help — .... another.

— Never attack an undefended opponent — ...

— Love your people — ...

— Strive for physical, mental, and spiritual perfection — ...

— Never steal, cheat, lie, or disobey the laws —...

— Be just and brave in war and loyal in peace —...

— And, last but most important, never show weakness. A knight must be the source that inspires armies, that encourages subordinates — and finally, he touched the sword blade to his right shoulder.

— I swear...

— Then I, Sir Lonios Drago, Lord of Jardinsdomar on the Victorious continent, proclaim you a knight. You knelt as a boy, and now you rise as a man. — After that, Lonios fell onto the bed due to the effort, and he was supported by the Doctor and the nurse.

Everyone was dumbfounded. The wandering knight they had been disregarding throughout the journey was, in fact, one of the Lords of Victorious—the country that dictated where the world would develop. What was he doing there, on that impoverished and corrupt continent, serving on a rundown ship like the Brand?

But now was not the time for questions or inquiries; the pirates had found them. Nimbus and Elisis went up to the bridge.

— I'm sorry, ma'am — Jim spoke just as they entered the bridge — I think we made a very tight turn to approach the storm and lost the lead against the pirates. It's ironic, being caught here, right near the first battle where we lost the Peregrino, and now we run the risk of being sunk. Let's rest together for eternity. — Jim seemed to be speaking more to himself than to the bridge.

The immense and centuries-old storm dominated the horizon. They were really close, only a few hundred meters, a few minutes in that direction, and they would be caught by the whirlwind of winds that the storm was made of. But they were just following it parallel.

— Ma'am, Dr. Henry sent a message from the engine room. He's having difficulty getting the ship to reach maximum speed — Officer Wenra Nyota communicated to her captain.

— Lieutenant Ka Hikaru, please try to maintain distance. We're still faster than them.

— Yes, Commander. — The girl piloted the ship with skill.

A sound was audible, but only for those who paid close attention, and Nimbus had already heard that sound.

— Elisis, are you hearing this music?

— I think so. I need the spyglass — Wenra handed it to her captain, who, after viewing the enemy, said: — Sir Nimbus, observe — and passed the spyglass to the newest knight on the ship.

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