Chapter 26

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The ingenious maneuver...

Days passed smoothly; Nimbus's plan to avoid speaking with Elisis was working. During training sessions, he made a conscious effort to keep his distance from her. After workouts, he spent over an hour doing weight training in the ship's gym. Following that, he headed to the library to study the subjects Lonios recommended. The days were demanding, and he felt exhausted. Moreover, he wasn't seeing any results; he didn't seem stronger, and his muscles hadn't increased. Instead, they ached for days after each session. However, Valeros had warned him that it would take months to see any tangible results. At least, he thought, he wasn't near the Amazon warrior.

One day, the alarm bells began to ring. This time, he knew what they meant, and two tolls signaled pirates. He immediately rushed to Lonios's quarters, as usual, and found him putting on his leather boots.

— Two tolls, Master! Pirates — Nimbus exclaimed.

— Exactly. Help me with the armor.

Jim also entered the room a bit late, a routine that had been forming for Jim. After his engineering shift, he would disappear into the restricted area of the library, studying who knows what, consuming all his free time. There wasn't even time left for Nimbus, who spent most of his day alone or with Lonios since Valeros had also started disappearing.

— Sir Lonios, pirates, damn it! I never thought we'd encounter them. I always assumed it was a coincidence, so many pirate ships attacking our fleet last time — Jim spoke.

— There are no coincidences in a situation like this, Jim. They gathered specifically to attack our fleet — Lonios replied, closing his red overcoat. Then, he put on gloves, and Nimbus helped him fasten the belt with the Indolent and another sword around his waist. — Let's go.

They walked out, and Adon, Elisis, Valeros, along with other officers, were already in front of the door leading to the bridge. Behind them, several soldiers stood on both sides of the corridor. As they passed, the soldiers greeted them. When they arrived, Nimbus couldn't help but notice that Elisis looked stunning today, despite the odd makeup that almost made her unrecognizable. Her face was covered in white foundation, and above her eyes, there were drawn black wings. Her hair was tied in a ponytail on top of her head. Nimbus recalled that his master had warned him that Amazons, unlike regular knights, used makeup to conceal their true identity, as they often worked as spies on special missions for the Great Leader.

— Nimbus, Jim, if there's combat, I want you to stay in my cabin and close the door — Lonios said without even looking at the boys, his gaze fixed forward.

— Yes, sir — Jim replied, but Nimbus remained silent.

As they approached the stairs leading to the bridge, Adon greeted him.

— Good afternoon, Sir Lonios! Ready for some real action?

— Like never before, Sir Adon. I've been waiting for this since I joined this ship — he tapped the Indolent, wrapped in rags at his waist, and Adon just smiled.

It was evident that Elisis, Adon, and Valeros had a different opinion from Lonios and Nimbus. Valeros looked at Jim, and Nimbus spoke:

— So ready for the baptism of blood?

— Not today, Valeros. If there's a fight, they won't participate. Nimbus doesn't even have a spacesuit for combat yet.

— I understand, but if the pirates board the ship, they can fight, no problem, within the ship's corridors. — Valeros winked at the two boys, and Nimbus liked the idea, but Jim didn't seem too thrilled with the possibility.

NIMBUS  AND THE KNIGHTS OF CENFERUMTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang