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"You won't be sold off if you win this fight," My human trainer assures me, grasping onto my shoulders firmly, "You have not failed one fight. And because of that, you're safe. No vampire can buy you as long as you defend yourself against your kind."

I nod, already aware of such rules. I knew what I was doing...and that I was harming my own to save myself. But I'd rather fight every single human that comes my way than have to be the pet to a vampire.

All of the vampires who wish to own a human and have them at their mercy, come to these fights. They bet on the blood of the human fighting the other. There's multiple ways for a vampire to buy a human, and this place is a customary as well.

I know those bloodsuckers get a kick out of watching the humans beat on their own to protect themselves from them. I have unfortunately...subjected many humans to becoming pets to them.

But it wasn't always like this. I remember when vampires weren't a thing...I remember when everyone believed only humans existed on this Earth.

Until we didn't.

"I'm aware." I turn away from him, tightening the wrap around my knuckles. "I never forget such a thing."

My human trainer nods in understanding, turning away from me as he flashed on the lights. The lights that surrounded my mirror and showed me.

My eyes met mine, seeing the will and spirit in me slowly fading. I could only look at that for a sheer moment.

The longer I stared into my own progressive lost spirit, the more I began to fear myself. Because if I see myself losing spirit...then there's a problem.

"Are you ready?"

I don't bother responding to such a question as I make my way out of the room.

Going up the same flights of steps that would take me to the same thing. To the place where I was ruining another human's life to protect my own.

Even when I entered the grand hall where hundreds of them sat, I refused to look at any of them. To walk past each and every one was for the best. I gained nothing from looking into their eyes.

Eyes I once believed could hold some kind of spirit, some kind of life. The longer I've done these matches, the more I came to the realization that none of them truly care.

This is a game to them. We are nothing but prey fighting prey in a lions den. The lion is just picking the weakest prey, as if they're really sparring anyone.

Each human gets hurt in the process: the loser gets sold off, the winner suffers knowing he just ruined the life of the one he's supposed to be rallying with.

No one wins.

I stepped onto the stage, my human trainer rushing to the mic as he adjusts it some. In the process of him doing so, I noticed the person that was walking onto the stage.

It began to occur to me that it was a teenage boy. He couldn't have been more than sixteen, but by the way he was presenting himself...you could foolishly think he was older. I instantly became aware that he wasn't here probably because he wanted to be.

He probably did what I once did that got me into this reoccurring cycle.

Protecting someone I loved, my brother; and it was all in vain in the end.

They still took him from me, and he was all I had.

"In today's matchup, we have Damon-01, blood type-Rh-null," I am announced before everyone for the umpteenth time, and their evident excitement to my blood type could be heard easily, "he has just turned two and twenty years old. Four-hundred and sixteen wins, and counting!"

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