☠︎︎🩺 thirteen

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"Is it hard?" I stood beside Aleksandr's friend's pet, the woman whose name I never got and that I met before that told me about Colette, seeing her look up at me nervously.

"Is what hard?"

"Being Aleksandr's pet? He is bonded to Lucifer...and he has killed all of his pets in the name of Aleksandr. Aren't you afraid? Isn't it hard...not giving in to him?" She explains more in-depth for me.

I look at Aleksandr as he stood beside his friend, the both of them looking at the toys and collars in this shop. Since he brought me here to get me ready for that gala...remembering last night.

His lips were desperate upon mine, holding onto me just as much as he pulled me to him. My arms wrap around his waist and I continue to pull him to me.

"Touch me." He breathes against my lips, feeling him grab my wrist and move my hand towards his bottom.

I look up, seeing Lucifer sitting on his bed as he had no reaction. He was watching this happen and didn't seem to care...no.

I saw the way his fists were balled ups, but he wasn't trying to do anything to me.

Isn't this the part where I die?

"I don't really need to. Everything that has happened, he has asked for. I am staying steady on my keep. There's absolutely nothing that I feel for him. It isn't hard trying to survive against such sadistic bloodsuckers." I tell her surely.

She begins to smile at me, her cheeks becoming pink as she looks forward.

"You're so brave. It gets harder for me everyday..." She drifts, and I could see the...want she began to have for her owner. "Harder for me not to just give myself entirely to him."

My hands settle on his bottom, but I didn't do anything else. I was too concerned about what Lucifer would do and how he would take everything.

This didn't feel right.

Even if...I want to kiss Aleksandr and not have to hold back what I feel, that's not realistic. What I want will be used against me. And if my desire for Aleksandr will result in my death, I will do anything to curb that feeling. Not that there's anything to feel for him in the first place.

"He doesn't seem into it Aleksandr." Lucifer speaks up, and Aleksandr pulls back from me.

I see him look up at my face, my eyes moving off of his and onto Lucifer.


"Maybe he still doesn't understand what it looks like to truly want something so much-." Lucifer was suddenly behind Aleksandr, his arms wrapping around his waist as he pulls him against himself. -"that you can't hold yourself back."

I began to realize that I was holding my breath, allowing myself to breathe again.

I forced a smile onto my lips, nudging against her playfully.

"What makes you say that? I just think about it like...they killed so many of us and they wouldn't hesitate to kill me. What's to like about that-?"

"I used to think that way too." She interrupts quietly, my eyebrows rising in what changed. "It just began to not matter anymore. I began to not care about all those people he killed, I just began to think that he hadn't killed me...yet. The craving of him like how he craves my blood at times...is addictive. I like feeling like I'm living for someone else too."

I saw her peer up at me and my expression must've been something bad because her face quickly turned red. She looked back forward, shaking her head fast.

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