☠︎︎🩺 twenty five

343 35 26

☠︎︎ Damon

"You see now?"

I let go of William's hand, seeing him look very disappointed in the very memory. His eyes lowered some and his hand went over his chest.

"Aleksandr became...the way he was because of what he endured from foul hands and minds. Thank goodness none of them got far enough, but he came to believe that all humans are ill-minded. That they all have lascivious thoughts towards him and want to bring him harm. When not all humans are like that. I...I know you're not like that. He has already done so much because he hates humans. Almost like he's trying to wipe out all of mankind because of their thoughts alone."

I don't say anything, and I could tell that confused William...my silence confused him.

"I know what I saw." I finally speak, William nodding. "You were about...to save the one person who brought harm upon him. And you felt no remorse, feigning ignorance as to why he's behaving the way he is right now; but I completely see both sides."

"You...what?" William looked at me like I was a fool, but he quickly changed that expression as he grins. "How did you...? How did you see all of that? That's not what I-."

"He didn't...wipe out mankind because he wanted to just wipe us out. He did it because of that! And you didn't help him, you were going to betray him and that's how you found out your venom doesn't turn - it kills. How ironic...how you're the 'good' one and your venom kills. While he's the 'bad' one and his venom saves. And that's probably why you didn't fight him on his choice...because you felt guilty for not having his back and trying to turn the one person who was going to bring him most harm-."

"He had everyone convinced that all humans think that way when that is false! I couldn't fight them all, so I let them do it! Their time will come, as will his for thinking in such a way and hurting such a precious species-."

"Are we?" I snap, seeing him frown. "Are we precious? Or are you turning a blind eye to what humans really can do?"

"Not all...are bad Damon...you know this."

"Do I? Look what a human did to me, look where they sent me. Look at the predicament they placed me in? Who sold me off?" I question him sharply, William shaking his head. "Say it! Who sold me off!? Who did you buy my brother off of?! Who chose to protect themselves instead of each other to survive?! It's every man for himself...remember? All humans think that way...none of us are truly good, not Jerome and not even your Benjamin. And you know that. So what are you lying to yourself for?"

William began to look stressed out, his head shaking quickly as he ran his hand over his face. I heard the door fly open and I saw Jerome go from looking calm to quickly glaring at me.

"William, what did he do to-?"

We watched as he collapsed to his knees, his hair slowly beginning to turn black from the roots. His fingers going into his hair as he shook his head wildly.

"What the fuck did you do?!" Jerome shoves me back and I slammed right against the desk. Watching him go before William as he tried to console him, but his words fell on deaf ears.

It reminded me of when I first met Aleksandr and his hair was partially white...but it's fully brown now. I wonder...if they feel an immense amount of pain and or suffering if their hair changes color. Or is it too much of one emotion?

If William is the 'yang', why is his hair turning black? Shouldn't his be white then?

When I look back at William, his hair was fully black now.

"Damon tell me what you said to him, now!" Jerome grabs my arms tightly, and I wasn't threatened by him in the slightest. I just look around him and saw William just having his existential crisis.

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