☠︎︎🩺 eleven

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"He has really lost his mind. He has really fucking lost it."

My fingers hovered over Damon's bruise on his neck. I could see in my peripheral vision him looking at me like I was crazy, but this is different.

When I saw Lucifer grab his neck like that and slam against the headboard with no remorse...I wanted to kill him. I never felt that way about him overstepping his boundaries before. This wasn't even a feeling I could control.

I just saw him do that and I felt like...I had blood in my veins. I haven't had blood course through my veins in so long...but I felt it then.

It was hot...and a boiling sensation that made me want to satiate it. The only way I could calm that feeling was by doing something to Lucifer...so I broke his wrist.

"Why are you looking at it like that?" Damon questions me, my eyes moving back onto his. "It's a bruise. You won't see it unless you look hard enough-."

"I can smell the blood under your bruise." I interrupt, my breath hitching when he grips my finger. Pressing it down on the bruise, I could feel how hot it was and how he smirks. "Doesn't it hurt?"

"Press harder, maybe we'll find out." He mocks, snorting as he rolls his eyes. "Of course it does. This would've never happened if you hadn't done this. I didn't need to see that, I didn't want to see that. You...wasted both of our times with your games."

"My games...?" I breathe, pulling my finger off of his neck. "This wasn't a game-."

"But, it is."

"But, it wasn't." I respond back sharply, seeing him shake his head. "I...didn't want him doing this. It wasn't supposed to get like this. You shouldn't have spoken to me like that in front of him. He acts like that."

Damon pushed me over to the side and goes into his bathroom. I saw from here him looking at him in the mirror. His hand rubbing against the bruise slowly and he began to shake his head in irritation.

"This should've never happened," He snaps, rushing out of the bathroom and grabbing my robe, only to toss it onto me, "In the human world, what you just did was out of line. You came in my room and had sex in my face. Touching me and thinking what?"

I don't say anything, looking him up and down.

I just didn't understand...

As I cradled his face, I could hear his heartbeat. It's so confusing. His heartbeat would go in and out of beating a little faster and then not beating regularly. That is a natural heartbeat.

This...I didn't understand this.

"I was thinking you would hate it-."

"I did."

"You would hate Lucifer having sex with me and try to kiss me." I finish, seeing his face twist up like I was crazy. "Clearly, I was wrong."

"When are you not?" Damon snickers, looking at the clock on the wall. "It's been only an hour and a half...and this is how you choose to waste our time."

I got off of his bed, pulling on the robe as he clearly waited for me to leave. Except I continue to stand here.

I couldn't even make myself smile because I was too angry. Angry with how things were turning out for me.

"I...will tell you where Elio is posted."

Instantly, his annoyance turned into excitement. He nodded for me to say and that bothered me too much. It should be me he's excited for, nobody else.

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